info | leagues | events | characters | vehicles | squads | missions | camps |
Gang Leader | |||||||||||||||||||
Name | Location | Activ | Age | Str | Dex | Spd | Ldr | Cou | Drv | Cyc | Trck | Guns | LrgG | Blstc | HndG | Mech | FAid | Sct | Psi |
Gang Members | |||||||||||||||||||
Name | Location | Activ | Age | Str | Dex | Spd | Ldr | Cou | Drv | Cyc | Trck | Guns | LrgG | Blstc | HndG | Mech | FAid | Sct | Psi |
Gladiator | |||||||||||||||||||
Gladiator | |||||||||||||||||||
Gladiator | |||||||||||||||||||
Name | Location | Activ | Age | Str | Dex | Spd | Ldr | Cou | Drv | Cyc | Trck | Guns | LrgG | Blstc | HndG | Mech | FAid | Sct | Psi |
* The food/water cost is greatly increased in any towns where the stock available for purchase is very low.
* If you have food or water in your town lockup then this will be used in preference to paying for it each week; you will pay nothing.