Gang Id: 18768 Owner:Big Daddy Darkwind Premium Member: No Global Fame: anonymous Home Town: Somerset Open for PvP?: YES Primary Faction: None (Renegade)
Fatality Free Since: 2010-12-19 01:01:14 A welcome back triple! 2010-10-06 18:46:09 2010-10-02 15:23:54 2010-09-30 00:20:02 TRIPLE 2010-09-20 11:38:46 double again, including best gunner 2010-09-07 15:06:59 double 2010-08-27 03:20:38 2010-08-19 19:22:26 A double - couldn`t park fast enough to get away from the burnination 2010-08-15 17:56:39 2010-08-10 15:05:39 2010-07-20 15:10:25 Another crazy plan, another solid leader 2010-07-07 01:11:07 2010-06-25 13:49:55Technically, our leader, though he had already had his Ldr surpassed by another with less Courage. Still, 0 morale is no good 2010-06-13 21:06:46 - 7, count them, SEVEN dead. on a suicide mission 2010-06-12 19:25:44 2010-06-05 13:54:08 a double 2010-06-02 08:16:07 2010-05-29 20:00:00 2010-05-29 18:57:55 2010-05-25 01:57:49 a break here from playing, right back to dying 2010-05-11 19:06:06 2010-05-10 20:30:06 2010-05-06 13:34:51 Our longtime leader! 2010-04-28 19:47:05 2010-04-28 01:03:20 totally would have been worth the bpu 2010-04-23 01:50:25 2010-04-21 00:02:15 2010-04-18 23:58:28 2010-04-17 17:22:00 2010-03-25 21:07:00 2010-03-24 13:47:36 2010-03-21 16:22:16 2010-03-15 19:49:03 2010-03-13 13:30:59 2010-03-06 15:40:14