House Tenibris
Gang Information

Gang Id: 122724
Owner: Sabin
Darkwind Premium Member: No
Global Fame: recognised
Home Town: Somerset
Open for PvP?: NO
Primary Faction: Mutants

SomersetLocally well known
ElmsfieldLocally renowned
GatewayLocally anonymous
BadlandsLocally anonymous
TexanLocally anonymous
SarsfieldLocally anonymous
MorganLocally anonymous
FirelightLocally recognised
ShantyvilleLocally anonymous

Primary Faction!
Badlands TruckstopNeutral
Deathrace MafiaNeutral
Evan RedsRespected

House Tenibris Resonentia or HTR for short was Founded by Natalie Hampton after a successful assault on a convoy. Quickly pulling a together any willing to fight along side her she began tearing through the wastes of Somerset to gather forces. Shortly after establishing a foothold in Somerset she set off with her best crew to Elmsfield looking for better opportunities. after a short stay Natalie Hampton was overthrown from her position as leader by Mark Amos the hotshot hmg specialist. Amos quiclky began making a name for HTR over the next several weeks, but in a tragic turn of fate the driver of his Apache Mike Marshall made a critical error flipping the vehicle on its top in to a bowl, Empress from Mcspankies Lollipop Gangstas attempted to free the trapped car with a ram b4 falling back. a rival pickup parked at 10m blowing through the drivers side and sniping Amos from across the car with a headshot to the chin with a micro missile launcher. Mike Marshall in a panic left the vehicle and was instandly brought to the ground by another mml taking his arm. Empress was able to achieve victory and Natalie Hampton regained control of HTR. After spending some time in Elmsfield training her medical skills Natalie saw the state of the mutants she tended and decided there was a better way than to just rot in a bed, she began recruiting any mutants that would join her so they could go out in glorious gunfire instead of wasting away.