The Road to Firelight, part 1

Roads blocked by broken mountains and shattered earth. Hidden by radioactive mist and clad in poisonous gas that seem to seep and rise from the very ground itself. Resting on a small island in a sea of lava. Or, perhaps, locked away for eternity in the calm eye of the wildest darkwind storm that has ever ravaged Evan.

You`ve heard the rumours. And you are not alone. The Darkwind Gazette has heard them too. Buth not until recently, did we believe for a second that there might be truth hidden away beneath the layers of lies, hearsay, tall tales and lava.

But after a new wave of reports of a place high up in the mountains, a town hidden away where no town should be, a haven for bandits, pirates, mutants and deviants, began to trickle back to the civilization of northern Evan, we decided it was time to stop leaving well enough alone. Just like any proud wastelands warrior would never leave a member of the Rudeboys to swagger back to his bandit camp alive, the Darkwind Gazette would not let those few wisps of information escape our grasp and flee back the way they came.

So, in a bold move unprecendented in the journalistic history of Evan [and possibly in the history of mankind], the Darkwind Gazette selected two of its finest cars, two of its equally fine drivers and reporters, hired members of the Forsaken, the most trusthworthy protection avaliable on this side of Sarsfield, and left known lands to set out on a journey with a single pursuit in mind:

To bring to you, our rabid readers, the first report in history of what transpires along the

The Road to Firelight

We left Badlands Truckstop a murky, dusk-clad afternoon. The convoys of traders and small bands of roaming bandits that usually inhabit and infest every turn of the road in the near vicinity of Badlands Truckstop were conspiciously absent, and the eerie silence that had settled across the land pressed in on our vehicles, and filled our hearts and minds with a fear-laden sensation of ominous foreboding.

That foreboding sooned turned to embarassed realisation as the first members of the Badlands Rudeboys came thundering out of the hills, just a few miles south of Badlands Truckstop. It`s entirely possible their interest in us can be ascribed to a healthy interest in things normal for any badlands bandit - the Forsaken tanker pickup riding in front, brimming with the black gold of the wastelands, the possibility of Gazette profits hidden away in our trunks, or simple the sheen of our brand new, and very desireable, Gazette vehicles.

Yes, it is entirely possible, and under most circumstances, it would have been probable. But none of us could disregard the looks shot our way when we walked into the Grainne Uaile and asked for a car brave enough to take us far to the south. So while it is possible the Badland Rudeboys came for us for the same reasons they attack just about anyone who attracts their attention [being alive is usually a good way to achieve this effect], it is just as likely one of those sideways looks from the Grainne Uaile travelled a long way, beyond the gates of Badlands Truckstop, and found itself accompanied by a sizeable sum of money, when someone payed hard cash to make sure that the prying eyes of the Darkwind Gazette would never reach the one place where criminals and misfits are still free to ply their awful trade - Firelight.

So, we did what any reporter faced with overwhelming odds in unfriendly territory would have done: pointed our cameras out the back window, waited for the enemy to get close enough for some good close-up shots, and ran like radioactive strains on the wind!

Of the unbearable days and desolate nights out in the wilds I need not speak to any of our readers who have ever been lost in the wastelands. Suffice to say that we travelled for days, through terrain more inhospitable than the most dangerous roads between Badlands and Morgan, on the run from an enemy as persistent as ever-present, under a sun determined to finish what the Solar Apocalypse once started, and with a constantly thinning supply of water and food. Not to mention photo reels. To this day, I believe that had it not been for the burning need to know that fuels any true journalist, the respect and neutral standing that the Gazette officials carry in the wastelands, and the selfless and ardent protection offered by the brave scouts, drivers and gunmen of the Forsaken, the Darkwind Gazette would never have been able to reveal to you what it is about to reveal.

Yes, of those unbearable days and desolate nights I need not tell you any more.

But I will show you, in high-resolution pictures, with descriptive captions:

This snaking road, christened the Serpentine Pass by early explorers, offered just as much protection from enemy fire as it was hazardous. I could not say if the blessing was greater than the curse.

The enemy that so doggedly kept on our heels seemed to always grow in number, in spite of the the countless of cars and lives contained within The Forsaken mercenaries bravely disposed of.

And then, just as the sun broke from the darkened clouds, we finally emerged onto flat ground.

And this is the sight that met our eyes...

Among broken buildings far too old to have been erected at any point during the last hundreds of years, we fought a final, bitter battle. When it was over, ten enemy vehicles littered the plateau we had emerged upon, in various states of disintegration. The four last remaining cars of our once proud convoy turned yet another bend.

And as cars of which like we had never seen emerged from the mists behind us, painted in dancing colors of black and smoke, their shapes as quick and shifting as the darkwinds themselves, the road beneath our wheels became straighet, and smoother. In what now seems like a fleeting and distant dream, we fled along that road, thundering past one broken building after the other, the wolves at our heels coming constantly closer, our goal just as distant and fleeting as the myths that surrounds it. The brave warriors of The Forsaken was between us and them, the night grew thick and solid, and time churned and slowed, until we could no longer remember a time when we had not raced along that distant and desolate higway, pursued by cars the color night and bone, lost in a rolling mass of bodies and souls, a stygian ocean of sliding dead, one being at one moment, a collection of dreams and memories the next.

And then, time returned.

They came in all around us. And they died all around us.

But two Forsaken cars, even piloted as they were by the finest warriors we have ever fought with, could not stand against the tidal wave of vehicular darkness that crashed down upon us. And as I felt the impact of the first two machine gun rounds striking the rear of my Gazette Sunrise, as I cursed myself, my burning need to know and my folly in ever believing in something so foolish as the myths of Firelight, the mist parted, and something rose from the darkness like the radiactive rays of the unforgiving sun burns away the night over the wastelands when morning comes.

It was a city.

Glenda Dickinson of the Edgerunners and Cheryl Thompson, still flanked by the proud and stalwart protectors of The Forsaken, finally reached the gates of Firelight. Inside its walls, they found shelter from the hordes of the Badlands Rudeboys and the far more mysterious and fearsome enemy they encountered on the final road to Firelight, but instead faced dangers far more subtle, and insidious, than any car canon-equipped mutant buzzer...

Our Firelight Feature continues in the next edition of the Gazette, in
Firelight Feature pt. 2: Firelight, Firefight and Fireflight.

- The Darkwind Gazette

[If any of our readers desire the services of The Forsaken, you are welcome to visit the office of the Darkwind Gazette in either Somerset or Elmsfield, and we will put you in touch with the right people. Better yet, ask around for a man named Gubby, and you might just find yourself lucky enough to be riding side by side with some of the finest guardians the Darkwind Gazette has ever entrusted its people to.]
Leagues Roundup

With the major leagues coming towards their conclusion, the current leaders are:

Somerset Combat League - Fish Heads
Somerset Deathrace League - Advanced RaceLabs
Somerset Race League - Advanced RaceLabs
Evan Race Ladder - Advanced RaceLabs
Evan Deathrace Ladder - Gearjammers
Evan Arena Combat Ladder - The Corpse Punchers

Sal `Bonesaw` Outland of Wasteland Extravaganza died at Road to Somerset.

James `Muffinbane` Velazquez of The Thousand Sons died at Road to Somerset.

William Ralston of The Thousand Sons died at Road to Somerset.

Fern Coker of Ricky Ranjits Raiders died at Road to Elmsfield.

Barry Bauer of Ricky Ranjits Raiders died at Road to Elmsfield.

Tracy `Cool Hand` Coleman of Mambas Maniacs died at Gates of Gateway Truckstop.

Maude Billingsley of LESS THAN JAKES died at Road to Somerset.

Michael `Thriller` Jackson of Advanced Research Labs died at Maure Dore.

Michael `mCleaner` McLean of Advanced RaceLabs died at Maure Dore.

Larry `The Slayer` Slater of The BAMFs died at Smokey Hills.

Gerald `Wasterizer` Roth of The Corpse Punchers died at Northern Farm Land.

Mary `Mung Freak` James of The Corpse Punchers died at Northern Farm Land.

James `Lockup` Penn of Gearjammers died at Road to Gateway Truck Stop.

Amber Walker of KLINGON GIRL SCOUTS died at Scattered Grounds.

Cornelius `Crondog` Holt of The BAMFs died at Scattered Grounds.

Ivan `iMac` Mack of The BAMFs died at Scattered Grounds.

William `Psychocandy` Reid of Clarinbridge Crushers died at Somerset Arena.

Han Machado of Forsaken died at Gates of Elmsfield.

Peg Bundy of The Corpse Punchers died at Once Upon a Town.

Natasha `Blue Green` Brown of Riotous Assembly died at Highway to Hell.

Lynn `Herbie` Hancock of Riotous Assembly died at Highway to Hell.

`Dangerous` Darlene Parker of Riotous Assembly died at Highway to Hell.

Stephanie Stowell of Ricky Ranjits Raiders died at Road to Somerset.

Ernest `Deadeye` Nixon of Ricky Ranjits Raiders died at Road to Somerset.

Kelly Vale of Riotous Assembly died at Smokey Hills.

Chuck Poole of Gearjammers died at Gates of Firelight.

James Nutt of Ricky Ranjits Raiders died at Gates of Badlands Truckstop.

Richard `Big D` Darst of The BAMFs died at Burning Skies.

Larry `Gill Man` Gillam of The BAMFs died at Burning Skies.

Tom Metzger of Sons of Avernus died at Blown With the Wind.

Anthony Mojica of KLINGON GIRL SCOUTS died at Blown With the Wind.

Eric Copenhaver of War Hippies died at Somerset Dirt Racing Track.

Linda Owens of The Ghosts died at Road to Somerset.

Allan Daley of The Forsaken died at Somerset Arena.

Joanne `Wool` Dyer of Riotous Assembly died at Northern Farm Land.

Jane Guertin of Riotous Assembly died at Northern Farm Land.

William Hoyt of Clarinbridge Crushers died at Somerset Dirt Racing Track.

`CAPTAIN` Bruce Calhoun of KLINGON GIRL SCOUTS died at Somerset Arena.

Sheryl `Crow` Avila of Riotous Assembly died at Scattered Hills.

Annie `Get Your Gun` Peterson of Riotous Assembly died at Scattered Hills.

Eddie `Stinko` Smallwood of The Reeking Pukes died at Highway to Hell.

Jeannie `Mopar` Ruby of The Reeking Pukes died at Highway to Hell.

Hannah `Sad Eyes` Santos of SD Rollers died at Gates of Gateway Truckstop.

Christina Theriault of Forsaken died at Northern Speedway.

Jeffrey `Patchwork` Jones of SD Rollers died at Road to Gateway Truck Stop.

Anthony `MAD DOG` Kammerer of KLINGON GIRL SCOUTS died at Road to Somerset.

Sheena Mikkelson of KLINGON GIRL SCOUTS died at Road to Somerset.

Otis `Mr. Pitiful` Redding of SD Rollers died at Highway to Hell.

Gabriel Barden of The Thug Matrix died at Road to Somerset.

Otto `The Otter` Ottley of The Forsaken died at Somerset Arena.

Roberto Ramsey of Forsaken died at Interstate Mythos.

Dana `DeeDee` Durrant of Smoke me a kipper died at Scattered Hills.

Edgar `Fixit` Heilman of Smoke me a kipper died at Gates of Gateway Truckstop.

Michael Baker of Wraiths died at Once Upon a Town.

Malik Jung of Da Moonies died at Gates of Firelight.

`Hound` Daniel Hertzler of Da Moonies died at Gates of Firelight.

Charles Ash of Ricky Ranjits Raiders died at Gates of Elmsfield.

Cortez `Twitchy` Cortez of SD Rollers died at Interstate Mythos.

Olivia `Kunoichi` Kawamura of SD Rollers died at Interstate Mythos.

Mark `The Ghost` Staples of The BAMFs died at Scattered Hills.

Phillip `Flipem` Curtis of The BAMFs died at Scattered Hills.

Christopher Alford of Barna Bombers died at Under a Bloody Red Sky.

Rachel Harris of Forsaken died at Blown With the Wind.

Larry Foley of The Thug Matrix died at Lost Oasis.

Dwight `Shoot Now` Perry of The Thug Matrix died at Lost Oasis.

Charlie Millhouse of the mad mad crushers died at Road to Elmsfield.

Dwayne Greenly of the mad mad crushers died at Lost Oasis.

Aaron Aarons of the mad mad crushers died at Lost Oasis.

Jerome Slape of Forsaken died at Under a Bloody Red Sky.

Paul `Technological` Green of Advanced RaceLabs died at Pathway to Darkness.

Sammie Flick of The Thug Matrix died at Somerset Arena.

Ronald Dawes of War Hippies died at Somerset Arena.

Morton `Old Salty` Defreitas of SD Rollers died at Highway to Hell.

Stanley `UHF` Sadowski of SD Rollers died at Highway to Hell.

Laurie `WO WO WO` Womac of KLINGON GIRL SCOUTS died at Road to Elmsfield.

Richard `Walls` Sisler of Lupos died at Once Upon a Town.

Stacy `Lady Death` Lapham of Toecutters died at Northern Farm Land.

Major `Cheap Laugh` Dick of SD Rollers died at Gates of Gateway Truckstop.

Thomas `Tiggy` Lea of SD Rollers died at Lost Trail: Broken Ground.

Jeremiah `Liver Eatin` Hilton of Mambas Maniacs died at Forever Yellow Skies.

Evan`s Most Wanted

The most wanted gangs in Evan today are listed below. The bounty listed for each gang is a combination of the amount offered by local vigilante groups and by disgrunted individuals, and represents the amount of money you would expect to be paid for each senior member of the gang you kill.

1. Forsaken Somerset: 9758.
2. Smoke me a kipper Somerset: 315.
3. King Cobras Badlands Truckstop: 167.
4. Cyber Formation Gateway Truckstop: 117.
5. Bantonville Militia Gateway Truckstop: 104.
6. The Arachnids Gateway Truckstop: 99.
7. Napalm Lullaby Badlands Truckstop: 97.
8. Death Or Taxes Gateway Truckstop: 97.

Big Earners on the Track

This list shows just who has been winning the most lucrative prizes on the circuits and arenas of Evan, during the past month.

1. Fish Heads: 102205.
2. Cats Cats: 69749.
3. Advanced Research Labs: 62013.
4. Advanced RaceLabs: 57711.
5. Team Bansi: 45125.

Joseph Smith

This month, we caught up with Joseph Smith of molotov cocktails, one of Evan`s most skilled drivers.

Current DW Gazette Editors: Sam, Hati, Racing Robbie, Bastille, Rezeak, SmokeyKilla, X_Man.