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Travlers are here, too., More stories
Sir Nexus
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Henry had been busy building up the Travelers ranks with young blood. Most of the old guard was dead. He was the only one left, and almost twice the age of most of the Travelers now. Not on purpose, mind you. The old guard had tried to resume their duties, and while the skills they had were still there, it turns out time had betrayed them, and their weakened bodies could no longer keep up with the rigor and viciousness of Evan. Henry figured the only real reason he’d been spared is he’d been traveling for CoE, and outside of The Bastards or The Merry Men killing him outright, CoE was keeping him safe. He’d also been traveling around southern Evan, gathering new recruits and supplies, make friends and, more importantly, enemies. He’d almost got the transport train set back up. Travelers were known for the ability to transport things, and they’d lost the gear to do so. Henry had just fixed that. He’d thrown the Travelers lot in with a few camps, and he’d acquired gear in exchange for a promise of goods ran and delivered.
He addressed his new crew, who he’d assembled for this venture. This would be there job, the only thing they’d do, and likely where they would die. In exchange, they would be fed, desires sated and have the rare privilege of traveling Evan and see what the world had to offer. “I have gathered you here today, this glorious day, to announce the reinstatement of the LHD; The Long-Haul Division. As respected members of this venture, you will be tasked with transporting the rarest and most valuable of goods for both the Travelers and any gang that can afford our prices.” The crew cheered. “To do this, I’ve instructed the rest of our clan to kill, on sight, any Civs or Merchants. In doing this, we’ve befriended the Raiders, Anarchists, Slavers, Mutants, and even Privateers. Theses are the most likely encounters on the road. You will truce them, and you will arrive at your destination safely.” More cheers, and a raised hand. Henry pointed to the crewman in the back. “What?” “Won’t that attract the Militia?” Henry smiled sweetly. “Yes. Yes, it will. And we kill them, and loot their cars, and sell to their families once we’ve entered the town they failed to protect. We will continue to kill them until they run out of cars!” More cheers, louder this time. People in Evan were bloodthirsty, if nothing else. Henry continued, “And now, if I may present: The Nautilus!” Henry ripped the hung tapestry down from in front of a giant lorry. These massive vehicles made money wherever they went, if they weren’t shot to pieces first. This one was a drab brown, with a skull and bacon crossed behind it as an emblem emblazoned on the side. Henry stood there, ready to be washed over by the crew’s excitement. Nothing. They looked scared. Henry scowled, barking “What seems to be the ####ing problem? She’s beautiful. She sexy. Hell, she’s the same size as some of your mothers. You should feel like this is a homecoming.” The crew put there heads together, whispering, while Henry continued yelling insults and demanding an answer. Finally, the crowd broke, and the same guy who had raised his hand before stepped up reluctantly, clearly not wanting his job as elected spokesperson. Henry got in his face “Well? What’s the issue?” “Well…well sir. We’ve got a couple of concerns, and a question.” Henry stepped back and took a deep breath. Sometimes you had to hold their hands. “Continue.” The man rung his hands, flop sweat developing on his scarred forehead. “It’s just….we are grateful for the opportunity Sir, truly. But that thing is the size of a barn, and it’s armored like a tent. And all it has is Naplam, Sir. We can’t fight off the enemy like that, not even the Militia.” Henry sighed and rolled his eyes. “You’re not taking this out solo, you idiots!” A visible sigh rang out from the group. “As we speak, I’ve got a Buzzer with Sniper Machine Gunner specialists on their way. They will keep you safe, and you will keep them fed. Now, before I lose my patience, do you ingrates have any other questions?” The man stepped back, clearly wanting to be done talking. The crew behind him whispered at him urgently, shoving him forward again. He extremely reluctantly stepped forward, terror in his eyes. “Come on man, I don’t have all day.” “Uh, we were wondering, if you could tell us what a Nautilus is?” Henry looked at the man, blinked in confusion, and then shot him in the face. The rest of the crew recoiled and hunkered together. “New rule!” Henry shouted. “No stupid question! Now, get in the ####ing truck and go make the clan money!”
vet wv deathrce1 pvp5 combat1 sssc ped2 northernsummer0,3,0

Posted Jan 30, 2020, 6:41 pm
Murphys Mercs

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(OOC One hell of a story. Keep em coming.)
vet wv

Posted Jan 30, 2020, 8:08 pm
Sir Nexus
Pole Dancers


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Bonfires and Lazerbeams

It was small gathering. Henry had stopped by to host the rites and say a few words, and the other crew in Shanty had come out of respect, although they all had better things to do, and it was Cornell and Dennis’ fault for getting themselves killed. The attendees gathered were clad in black, but only because that’s what they always wore. “We are gathered here today because we lost two men today, both great in their dedication to the Travelers, and even greater in their contribution to furthering the boundaries of looting.” Henry rustled in his trench coat and pulled out a letter. “It says here they died while trying to….ped a Buzzer?” Henry looked up at Ortiz, the new Shantyville head ganger with Dennis and Cornell gone. “Ortiz, is this what happened?” Ortiz pulled her headphones out and said “Huh?” “Have some respect Ortiz! These men died for the Clan. They died in a stupid way, but still, braver men have died for dumber reasons. Now, did these guys really try pedding a Buzzer?” “Uh, yes sir. They went out in an unarmed Buccy with Rifles.” “And whose skull-####ed idea was that?” Ortiz looked around, then sighed. “Mine, Sir.” I’d been watching the AX7 crew do it, and they kept getting good loot, like buzzers and lazers.” Henry looked like he was about to be mad, and Ortiz figured they would be digging a third grave today, but such was the responsibilities of leadership. Henry’s face did a sequence of about 5 emotions, and finally settled on a cross between a grin and a sneer. “You did say lazers, right Ortiz? The little red beams of light that eviscerate gangers and don’t need ammo?” Ortiz swallowed. “Yes Sir, I did. They were out looking for Threshers and Cutlass when a Dragon’s Breath showed up and they got ballsy. They actually managed to get it separated from the rest of the Group and were pedding it. They…. they just didn’t expect multiple Car Cannon shots from outside 100m Sir. I mean, no one does.” “And do we still have the capacity to chase lazers here in Shanty?” Oritz did some quick math. “Sir, we have enough Rifles, and with me and two more crew here, we could go back out.” “Then go back out you shall! Oh, right, this was supposed to be a funeral.” Henry took the hose that was hanging out of Pocket Rockets gas tube, sucked on it, and spat fuel into the graves, followed by more fuel from the hose. He eventually pinched it off and pulled his Hand Flamer out from underneath his coat. “Boys, here’s a preview of how hot hell is Thank you for your service!” He pulled the trigger, and a gout of flame spilled out, lighting the corpses of Dennis and Cornell on fire. “Drinks in the garage Travelers! Take the night off, and then go get me some ####ing lazers!” He cackled and hopped into Pocket Rocket, rolling down the window as he pulled up to Ortiz. “I gotta head to Firelight for CoE. You better have me some lazers by the time I am back here!” Ortiz gulped. “Sir!” Henry drove off into the night, his car reflecting the flames from his roasting dead crew. Ortiz watched him go. She had just signed her own death warrant. Better her signing it than Henry, she supposed. That man was grade A crazy. She watched the flames for a few moments, then wandered inside to make sure she got some Mezcal before it was all gone. Life continued in Evan, it’s two most recent dead already all but forgotten about.
vet wv deathrce1 pvp5 combat1 sssc ped2 northernsummer0,3,0

Posted Feb 3, 2020, 6:59 pm Last edited Feb 3, 2020, 7:00 pm by Sir Nexus
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