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Problem Solved Pt2, Book 2: Shantyville and Laser Alley
Beasts of the Lair
Darkwind Guru

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Chapter 1
In which Old Friends Share a Drink

Benjamin "Benji the Mutt" Jenkins sat in the Rusty Nail.  It had been many years since he had been here.  He had mostly wanted to forget the place of his birth.
    His Father, a member of a raider gang of mutants, feared across the region had left him here in the Nail the moment he had hatched from the egg he had carried in his abdominal pocket for 18 months.  He had never known his mother, a feral mutant who's mating habit it was to lay the egg, then force the male to carry it.  How 2 Marsupial Hound-dog mix Mutants from 2 different walks of life had met was the stuff of bar tales.  Most of which seem to insane to be true.
    "Armor," said a human as it sat next to him.  "Hear you have a problem needing solved"
    The man's name was Xavier (pronounced H-ah-vee-air) and he looked like he had been rolling in pumpkins all day.  His Shantyville police uniform orange with the stains.
    "X" said Benji
    The two nodded at each other, but otherwise showed no signs of their shared past riding together across the wastes, killing innocents and robbing from the rich.
    "Ive got a special delivery for you" the Mutant Armorer from the no named logistics company said.  "It should be a hoot to watch the gullibility of these jokers"
vet wv gwped paintladder paintball marshal raceL10,1,0

Posted Jan 12, 2016, 4:28 am
Beasts of the Lair
Darkwind Guru

Anarchists Faction

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Chapter 2
In which Just Deserts are Served

    The 1L Lorry trundled along at 35 MPH, with the pedal to the floor, downhill.  Jimbo "the Bimbo" Kween was sweating profusely as he thought to himself "I never knew what *Trundle* meant till now"
    He was entering Laser Alley, a long flat, straight stretch idea for muscle cars in a region well know for gem deposits that somehow, the local mutants had figured out how to cut to make Light Amplifiers that could be focused into a beam weapon.
    Luckily he saw nothing ahead except the rocky outcroppings to his left that look like the snout of a dinosaur

    * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    Benji sat in a foxhole.
    "Fitting" he thought, since his DNA was part dog.
    He stoked the ancient rifle.  It was from a bygone era.  Something called an M14.  He didn't know what it meant but it had been passed down from father to son (or so he was told by the barkeep of the Rusty Nail, who claimed his father had left it for him before disappearing into the wastes) for generations.  It was over 100 years old and still fired.
    A groaning noise of Gears woke him from his musing.  A shining lorry was approaching.

    * * * * * * * * * * *

    Jimbo squirmed.  His butt crack was sweating and he didn't like it.  The seat was hot.  Why couldn't the mechanical genius who got a 1L engine to work in a Lorry put in more comfortable seats?
    Then he hear a loud "SPANK!" against the right side of the vehicle and something hot landed on his lap.
    He looked over, half expecting to see the engine flying to pieces and into the cab but instead he saw the right side armor crack and then fall apart like shattering glass.  The hot object in his lap was a slightly deformed 7.62mm lead slug from a rifle.
    That's when he saw the Armorer, who's name he didn't even know, sitting along the side of the road, with a rifle, smiling at him.
    The little S.O.B. even waved at him!
    Well, screw him!  Jimbo thought and floored it.
    The Lorry Trundled along at even greater speeds.  38 Mph.
    Then just as Jimbo thought MAYBE the armorer had just been testing his armor, he saw what was inside the rocky outcropping that looked like a dinosaur:  3 ground mounted Anti-Tank Guns.
    He didn't even realize all 3 rounds from the ATGs struck the Lorry perfectly and turned everything in the unprotected cab into Hamburger.  Mostly, because he was the hamburger, desert for buzzards.

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    "Let that be a lesson to those who would run 1L Lorries with only a thin sheet of super light armor" Said the man called X
    "Problem Solved" Benji agreed.
vet wv gwped paintladder paintball marshal raceL10,1,0

Posted Jan 12, 2016, 4:48 am Last edited Jan 12, 2016, 4:54 am by *StCrispin*
Beasts of the Lair
Darkwind Guru

Anarchists Faction

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Group: Marshals
Posts: 2,657
Joined: Feb 13, 2012

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vet wv gwped paintladder paintball marshal raceL10,1,0

Posted Jan 12, 2016, 4:49 am
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