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Darkwind Chronicles length (4 Votes)
more than 25 pages  0% - 0 votes
25 pages  0% - 0 votes
20 pages  0% - 0 votes
15 pages  0% - 0 votes
10 pages  75% - 3 votes
5 pages  25% - 1 vote
less than 5 pages  0% - 0 votes
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Darkwind Chronicles length, A poll about DW chronicles length
Skulls And Bones
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Regarding web site statistics, it apperas readers interest is decreasing around page 8/10, I would like you to confirm this statement within this poll.

Thanks for your time.
vet cont zom slay2013 marshal wv

*Posted Nov 19, 2006, 9:55 am
The Salthill Sluggerz
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5 pages sounds good to me. There needs to be enough pages to make an interesting story, but not too much to bore the reader.

By the way, everyone: it would be great if you could try getting some screenshots during your events, and then if the event turns out to be a good one, and the screenshots can be supplied to Vikk along with some story/text, we just might have a Chronicle issue out of it ;-)

I only wished I got some screenshots of the death of my best character Rodney Howe a couple of weeks ago, it would have been like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, or something...
marshal vet deathrce1 paintladder combat1 wv ped1 cont slay2013

Posted Nov 19, 2006, 10:06 am Last edited Nov 19, 2006, 10:07 am by sam
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Between 5 and 10 pages... but it depends of the chronicle, if it's a short story, or a long one...
Sure, i'll for the screenies, I've some not so bad... I'll have a look on them !

Posted Nov 19, 2006, 11:16 am Last edited Nov 19, 2006, 3:11 pm by DjFou
Skulls And Bones
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There will be special Darkwind Chronicles issues (Darkwind Chronicles News) being released more often with only one page, featuring special events, races, tracks, drivers, gangs, etc.

First one should be released by tomorrow! :p
vet cont zom slay2013 marshal wv

Posted Nov 19, 2006, 1:06 pm
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ya i kinda agree, depending on the story and such, so lets say oh 10 pages! :D, and cool a newspaper
marshal vet

Posted Nov 19, 2006, 1:43 pm
Darkwind Guru


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Time to start taking screenies :)

Yer gonna be stars boys {cheers} ;)
marshal vet race1 elmsautumn wv

Posted Nov 19, 2006, 4:49 pm
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