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RTB, ...or get the hell out of there.
Fealty Lost
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Bundled against the cold, a weak fire going in the stove, Barbara "Sheeps" Babineaux, the defacto "leader" of the rag-tag bunch that had been sent to Evans' arsehole of the world, Shantyville, rubbed her hands together and blew into them.

She looked around at her 'crew,' all huddled alone or, in the case of Lakeesha "The Deuce" Ladouceur and Venessa "Villainous" Vaillancourt; together and shrugged, unconsciously, under her thick coat and blankets.

Suddenly the air came alive and dust rose up to join it as the sheet-metal door on their hovel ripped open and their resident 'wrench' barged through, turning to grab the rust-colored door and slam it shut against the night's howling wind.

Yessenia "Yabba Dabba" Yamaguchi tore off the wrappings woven round her head and tossed her helmet aside. Her blonde hair billowed out, clinging to the thick scarf she took from around her neck. Everyone looked up. Yessenia smiled and reached inside her jacket pocket, bringing out a yellowed roll of paper.

"We're outa here!" she yelled.

"What?" Barbara queried.

"Post from Somerset...Boss Wright says we're to abandon this place and get our asses to Gateway. Says it's too expensive to keep us here."

Barbara held out her hand and Yessenia walked forward and handed her the orders. She unrolled them and read. It was true.

About time, she thought to herself. They'd been languishing in this hell-hole for two months and had nothing to show for it except repair bills and shot up heaps nobody wanted. There was supposed to be a Market in this society-bereft pit, but there was never anything there worth spit.

And nobody was buying anything. The shop, for whatever reason, never bought anything and never had enough parts to fix anything for shyte...all they ever did was take stuff apart. It was like trying to deal with mongoloids every time she went into the place.

It was always the same song and dance: "We'z cain't fix nuttin' 'cause the boss says we ain't got no parts." or "We'z cain't buy anathin' 'cause...we don' know why we cain't...we just cain't. Don' make no sense at'al, do it?"

After the first week she just gave up. But they'd continued to go out and get shot up and occasionally drag something back into Shanty' that they could neither use nor fix nor sell.

The one time she'd actually had hopes that all the time they'd wasted was going to pay off had come just two days ago, when they'd fought off 9 enemy vehicles and isolated a fast-ass '57, 'danced' with it for nearly 5 minutes before it had hightailed it, trying to escape, and they'd run it to ground and opened up on its arse, knowing it would be a quick, easy kill...only to see the engine compartment explode. She'd slammed on the brakes, amazed at the big hole directly down the center of the vehicle that had missed everything, including the gangers that they'd watched with amazement, bail from the ride and run off...to hit the engine. The. Whole. Engine. And. Nothing. But. The. Engine.

"What are the fuqing odds...?" she'd murmured.

Like everything else in Shanty', it'd been a waste of scarce ammo and fuel...and time.

And in her hand she held the recall orders. She couldn't fuqing wait.

"That's it, we're out of here in an hour. Get packed. Pack the rig...throw what ammo we have left into her. Let's move like we have a purpose!"

She looked into the corner. "For crying out loud, you two, get some clothes on!"

"What do we do with the rest of the vehicles?"

"We leave 'em. You know we don't have crew enough to drive out of here, and I'm not putting out solo runs so you can all die."

"Even the Buzzer?"

"Yeah, even that. We take the BPU...that's it. Fuel her, load her and let's boogie."

Nobody argued. They all wanted the hell out of this worthless place too. Barbara smiled.
vet wv

Posted Sep 2, 2014, 10:40 pm
Ravenous Lunatics


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"Paranoid" Omar Bradley picking at his flesh and always looking over his shoulder heard the excitement and got out of his chair that was backed in the corner so nothing could sneak up on him says.... "Guys? guys you got room for one more i need to get outta here they're coming to get me. Guys?"
vet wv paintladder gateautumn raceL1 deathrceL10,1,0

Posted Sep 3, 2014, 1:03 am
Bolt Thrower
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Terrilyn Ferguson and Mike Bishop walk into the Rusty Nail and hear the sounds of Omar's paranoid pleading. They look at each other and Terrilyn shrugs. Mike says "He is probably not any crazier than the last set of passengers, and the back seat is padded."

"Hey guy, where are you headed?"
vet wv northernsummer1,91,1

Posted Sep 3, 2014, 3:41 am
Ravenous Lunatics


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Guys... Psst. Over here they will hear us if we talk anywhere but under this cone of silence... Omar points up to a rickety old fan from a 77 Monte Carlo being used as a ceiling fan at the rusty nail.

Ive been told i can score neophetamines up north but to avoid elms field. So thats where im headed if they want me to avoid elms field i know thats where the stash is.

Listen did you hear that? Omar quickly hops over a table and back into his corner pressing up against a shadowy wall as to not be seen by the unknown things that haunt his mind.
vet wv paintladder gateautumn raceL1 deathrceL10,1,0

Posted Sep 4, 2014, 3:08 am
Bolt Thrower
Quantum Symphony
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"Yeah...Elmsfield," Terrilyn says. Then dropping her voice low in a conspiratorial tone, she continues, "We go there all the time. I think I know the building where they hide the stash. We could drop you off, if you like."

Mike turns towards the bar and smiles to himself. 'Hope this doesn't turn out as ugly as when they took ole Carlton 'Roid Rage' to rehab,' he thinks to himself as he orders two beers.
vet wv northernsummer1,91,1

Posted Sep 4, 2014, 4:10 am Last edited Sep 4, 2014, 4:11 am by Bolt Thrower
*goat starer*
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Sharlene Barton watched them leave.

"I wish I had hair that could simultaneously billow and cling" she thought.

The moment passed. She went back to wishing she had both her legs and most of her internal organs.
vet wv zom pvp4 cont community deathrceL1 marshal pvp3 pvp2

Posted Sep 12, 2014, 1:39 pm
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