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Alley, Epic Fail!
*The X Man*
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Jesse 'Hooters' James, stands outside her Big Pickup, and places a big kiss on the dusty hood ::MMmmuuaahhh:: She looks upwards and points to the sky, "Tonight...is for all members of the Darkside...past and present, who had put up with members of the notorious Alley".

Jesse has been a member of the Darkside from when the Alley was first put on their target list almost a year ago. Battles were lost as well as members of her gang. She vowed to have vengeance one day and to right all of the bad the Alley had done over the years.

Today, Evan seems to have a brighter sunset. Even with a cloud of smoke rising above a chassis of burnt rubber and twisted metal. Yes, a decimated Ambie lays motionless in it's feeble attempt to stop the Darkside from completing the last leg of the COE 2.

There were rumors of a hit that was placed upon our heads. That did not affect our decision to compete as we have done race after race, season after season.

It also, was not a shock that their heavies came out to play, but a bigger shock was on their faces when their Ambie was ripped to shreds.


"May this day be forever remembered... war was brought upon our doorstep and not by our choosing, but today was the day we stood our ground and fought back".

"Remember everyone, the Alley is not invincible. When the fight is even, they can fall just as easy as anyone. For those who have grown tired of their iron rule, those days have past. If you wish to rise up and reclaim what is yours, we will be here....all of us...and we will fight by your side!"

Jesse turns towards her crew, high fives all the way around. "To the Rusty Nail everyone! The drinks are on me tonight!!!"
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Posted Sep 15, 2013, 12:27 pm Last edited Sep 15, 2013, 12:28 pm by *The X Man*
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Carolyn Fox sat at her desk in the office of the Skunk Works, deep in thought, when she was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Boss, we just received a message from shantyville", came the urgent voice of Diann 'lil feather' Werner, physician for Your name here.

"What is it?"

"Just got word, they are asking for more recruits of the same caliber as the two we just hired", remarked Werner with a grin.

"Why, did we place well in the Curcuit?", Carolyn's surprise poorly hidden in her response.

"No, their dead!"

The illustrious leader of Your name here characteristically considered her next words carefully, "Huh?"

"They gave their lives helping to free Evan from the Alley's death grip. No alley members finished the first leg of COE II", Diann stated proudly.

Carolyn stood up from her chair. "I want their names. Tonight we drink to their honor, and their sacrifice for the future security of Evan!"
vet wv

Posted Sep 15, 2013, 2:25 pm Last edited Sep 16, 2013, 2:21 am by RudeReality
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"Heisenberg", unharmed save for his pride, brushes off the dust and scorched metal flakes from his leather bomber jacket..

And wondering something very particular...

What exactly is *Even*? I guess If 2 to 1 odds is even...

He was was amused about how 5 of theirs including a High end Hall of Famer, to 1 low end, non HOF kick around ganger is also even?

"I guess they must be only thinking in terms of equipment... I supposed that's how they justify it" he mused

"They still haven't learned, the material is nothing... Blood and Souls, is everything, and we *STILL* collected more than our fair share"
vet wv santa1 deathrceL1 pvp4 gwped raceL1 combatL1 paintladder pvp3 ped2 pvp5 semiprocombat circuit2 pvp1 pvp2 slay2013 gwextrav triangle1

Posted Sep 15, 2013, 11:40 pm Last edited Sep 15, 2013, 11:42 pm by Necrotech
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Lloyd looks over the scrap heap that used to be a Buccaneer. The car was veteran of 4 or 5 seasons of CoE. And he wonders what exactly is "even" in Evan.

2 cars with unskilled new hires vs what to him seemed like a god, capable of lighting his car and his wingman's Apache on fire qith nothing more than a thought.

He supposed only the Blood and Iron boys woried about things like that. They never managed to light cars on fire. Even when loaded full of gasolene. So that gave them plenty of time to mull over philisophical things like that.

Lloyd wished he could have saved the Buccy, but at least he walked away intact. He still had a Vampire to haul up to Somerset for a friend.
vet wv gwped paintladder paintball marshal raceL10,1,0

Posted Sep 16, 2013, 2:48 am Last edited Sep 16, 2013, 2:49 am by StCrispin
Longos Merry Men
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Kenneth 'MISTER' Wright walks into the bar, supported by a wooden cane. His features suggest years of 46-Y use, and many in Evan are aware that he is considered one of the more older gangers of the Merry Men. He is flanked by Andrew 'Sweetness' Payton, himself not a young man. The men sit at the bar and indulge in some strange local brew. 'Sweetness' comments to his partner "man, we was a bit outgunned there bud." Wright starts to chuckle which quickly turns into a cough, and blood trickles from his lips. Wright pauses, takes a deep breath, and replies "We was taking a risk coming out at that time of the day, but it all ended well. Longo told me to get the hell out into the wilderness before I died from the magic and cause some fireworks. And thats exactly what I did." 'Sweetness' chuckles, and sticks a 1/2 burned cigarette into his mouth, and Wright snaps his fingers and lights it for him. 'Sweetness' nods a thank you to his partner, takes a long drag, and says "Well you sure surprised them cats, thats for sure. That one gang was so amazed at what happened, they just sat in their ride, giving us the thumbs up, til the thing exploded!"
vet combatL1 ped1 paintladder semiprocombat ped2 wv pvp4 pvp1 gwped paintball pvp3 pvp5 slay2013 marshal circuit2 combat1 e2g raceL1 gwextrav gateautumn pvp2 triangle1

Posted Sep 16, 2013, 4:08 am
Vendetta Inc.
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Heisenberg gives wry smile, as close to mirth as he could go, at his old compatriots humor.

Waves over a barmaid, lines in her face from a hard living. She makes feeble attempt at looking friendly when darts to his table.

Briefly murmuring into her ear, he ends the request with "My private stock."

The barmaid leaves in a hurried, yet practiced fashion to speak with the owner about the order.

The owner nods solemnly and enters the kitchen.

Some time later he carefully returns with an old black felt bag with a drawstring on top. Handling it with unaccustomed care, he brings the item to "Mr." Wright's table.

"From the gentleman in the corner, sir" the innkeep intones with a quaver.

He then takes a few steps back, but seems to be waiting expectantly for something to happen perhaps?

"Sweetness", curious, pulls and loosens the string, letting the bag fall.

The ancient fabric almost seems to lovingly caress the oddly square clear bottle. Sweetness, while noticing the dark golden fluid inside, was confused to it's significance.

However "Mr." began to gasp with wide eyed surprise at the black and white label where "No. 7" was very visible on the once glossy, now delicate paper encasing the artifact.

Heisenberg strode forward, dropping a heavy bag in front of the innkeeper. "For your services."

The old owner, from years of business in the wastes, did not need to ask to know what was inside, based on the sound alone.

With a grunt lifted the bag and left without a word, like he never existed.

Nodding to "Mr.", but addressing the still confused Merry Man.

"One condition" he demanded. "The Lord of Rockets gets a share as well."

"Y-Yes" Mr. stammered "Definitely"

As Sweetness turned to his partner, Heisenberg strode from the bar returning to the wastes.

"What *IS* this ?" he questioned his still ogling friend.

"Ambrosia, pure Ambrosia....."

The twisted and befuddled look deepened on Sweetness's face.

Mr. cleared his throat, yet his face full of awe and wonder.

"I might be able to do magic, but that man just performed a miracle."
vet wv santa1 deathrceL1 pvp4 gwped raceL1 combatL1 paintladder pvp3 ped2 pvp5 semiprocombat circuit2 pvp1 pvp2 slay2013 gwextrav triangle1

Posted Sep 16, 2013, 1:57 pm
*goat starer*
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"ambrosia?" laughs a special circumstance grunt at a nearby table... "moron thinks its ambrosia! Ive read Homer.. and not that bald yellow dude.. ambrosia is FOOD... he is thinking of Nectar."

"its not Nectar neither" chuckles his comrade. "this is Shantyville.. you do'nt keep a "private stock here.. specially if you are an alley capitalist pig. That private stock got shared out months ago... hope they enjoy a small cup of piss"
vet wv zom pvp4 cont community deathrceL1 marshal pvp3 pvp2

Posted Sep 16, 2013, 2:16 pm Last edited Sep 16, 2013, 2:17 pm by goat starer
Longos Merry Men
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"Aye" Wright replies. "Lord of Rockets jumped to our defense when that Hot Trax gang started firing at us too. Blew a darn hole in their roof and killed their gunner. Cheers to them!"
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Posted Sep 16, 2013, 4:32 pm
Shankill Butchers
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Keith "Dangle" Dingle, Pontif of the Chrome Religion, clears his throat and addresses the room;

"Congratulations to The Renshai for picking up the first bounty on the Blood and Iron gang....you may collect your $4 at your leisure."

"And, as for this Hoopelande character, or whatever his name is; for someone who only had his 'pride' injured, he certainly disappeared from the B&I roster in a hurry....here's an extra $1 for anyone who can tell us why he is no longer listed as a Blood and Iron gang member. We're assuming he was fired after his abyssmal performance in the deathrally..."
vet wv deathrceL1

Posted Sep 16, 2013, 9:59 pm
Vendetta Inc.
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There are NON exploitable ways of hiding assets from prying eyes.
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Posted Sep 16, 2013, 10:36 pm
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Steve King sits in the darkest corner of the bar.  Not that he is sulking, quite the opposite in fact.  This last weekends event keeps rolling through his memory. 

An ambulance on its side

A clear shot of its underside as he rounded the hill

Feet dangling from the tore up armor

He emptied his clip of HMG, as all Renshai are taught to do in the face of the those lacking honor.

Since then everyone that has walked by his dark corner of the bar has slipped him smiles and winks. 

Life was good.

So why wasn't Steve happy?

Breathing out a long sigh, Steve gets up from his table and heads towards the bar.  Shoving half drunken patrons out of his way, he sees Jesse James sitting at her usual place at the bar - with her usual beer in hand.  Steve walks up and drops eight crumpled dollar bills on the bar in front of her.  Jesse looks at the bills through the bottom of her near empty beer glass.  She then gives Steve an inquisitive look.

"Thats the bounty for getting that Blood n Iron guy.  I can't take it - you guys did all the work, so it's only fair that you guys get the bounty.  Let the next beer be on the Blood n Iron guys, that should be enough"  Steve grins.

"Barely" quips Jesse, " Hey Ernie! Another here" she shouts to the barkeep.

Ernie drops the cracked glass of foam in front of her "That'll be 5 bucks"

Jesse nods to the pile of crumpled bills

"Keep the change."
vet wv gateautumn sssc santa1 raceL1 deathrceL1 marshal pvp2 zom combatL1 pvp52,6,2

Posted Sep 17, 2013, 3:34 am Last edited Sep 17, 2013, 3:35 am by *Snipe*
*The X Man*
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Jesse, still smiling... pauses for a minute, then calls Steve back over to bar. "As much as we appreciate the props, we all know what is truly proper here. I have a story you need to know"

Jesse remembers when the alliance was forged between the Renshai and the Darkside. She was just a rookie gunner back then and never said too much, but always listened to what the Boss said. But on that day, she was a part of the Darkside when they offered their full support and aid to the Renshai.

From that day forward, things were always a bit different, but for the better. Robin Hood is what emerged, 2 gangs, 1 purpose. We were a band of brothers, bound by honor and pride. Fight till the end, no man left behind. This was the code we lived by and it spread among the gangs that joined us afterwards.

Jesse took a sort breath, then guzzled down the last of her beer. "Steve, not just me, but all of the Darkside gang members live by this code", she signals the barkeep with a finger pointing to two empty mugs. The hint was taken as they were promptly refilled.

"Our Boss has told us that this war thrown at our doorstep will be fought relentlessly and at each others side", she quickly takes a gulp of her recently refilled mug". "We got their attention now and they will always have to look over their shoulder... or bullet riddled vehicle", she says with a slight giggle.

"But as part of Robin Hood, we understand that any accolades that are bestowed upon us are to be shared equally. We brothers now and until the last drop of blood has been spilled, weather it be ours... or theirs".

Jesse pulls out some crumpled bills and counts out 4 one dollar bills, "1, 2, 3 and 4". She finishes off her mug and points for another refill. "50 - 50, as it should be. I know it is not about the bounty, but what it represents!"

Searching thru her wad of bills, Jesse pulls out a $200 and places it into her empty mug. "Barkeep, half of this is yours.... the other half is for drinks for the SSE, Hot Trax, Your Name Here and Sandrats crews. They all were a big help and deserve to celebrate too!"
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Posted Sep 17, 2013, 6:20 am Last edited Sep 17, 2013, 4:50 pm by *The X Man*
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In their private corner of the bar a loud laugh can be heard from the Hellrider contingent while they take bets on how many hours till someone makes a fool out of themselves again. One can be heard laughing...

"Private stock, that's a good one... Who in their right mind would trust the rusty to keep anything private! Oh, 1000 bucks on 17 hours!.
vet wv zom gateautumn deathrceL1 elmsautumn pvp1 pvp2 sssc raceL1 e2g combatL1 santa1 pvp3 gwextrav ww circuit32,18,0

Posted Sep 18, 2013, 11:41 pm
Vendetta Inc.
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There is always a way to make a great cooked meal in the wastes...

Recipe -

Add 5 different meats

1 Mobile Fryer

2 Pieces of roadkill for bait
(gotta entice the varmints in the oven)

Cook at 3500 degrees
(Charlie McGee's preferred cooking temp) for 65 turns.

Add seasoning and flavoring for taste!

vet wv santa1 deathrceL1 pvp4 gwped raceL1 combatL1 paintladder pvp3 ped2 pvp5 semiprocombat circuit2 pvp1 pvp2 slay2013 gwextrav triangle1

Posted Nov 3, 2013, 1:26 am Last edited Nov 3, 2013, 1:35 am by Necrotech
Beasts of the Lair
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Crispy was NOT there. I think u mixxed that car up with "Cajun Blackened".

And where is the picture of Snap, Crackle, Pop, Kaboom (Joel) and his ped: Mr "my BPU just flew up my anus!"

(no insult intended. That was funny stuff to watch!

We need a new crit. "Heavy blow to Arse slams rectum through Brain"
vet wv gwped paintladder paintball marshal raceL10,1,0

Posted Nov 3, 2013, 2:31 am Last edited Nov 3, 2013, 2:33 am by StCrispin
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"Rectum?  It nearly Killedum!"
vet wv gwped paintladder paintball marshal raceL10,1,0

Posted Nov 3, 2013, 2:35 am
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