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Air superiority!
Anarchy X

Deathrace Mafia Faction

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Jarrod 'Hotshot' Mackey was drinking heavily from his flask when he spotted a large box shaped vehicle moving very quickly in the distance. He grabs the mic for the radio "Justin is that ours being chased over there?" "I believe so, Chris was due to be passing us on this road." Replies the trusted scout. "We have some big guns do you want us to help him?" "He is moving over 150 Miles per hour, we have nothing that can catch that v12 powered monstrosity, he will be fine".
"It was a trap! See two more just roared out of hiding in front of him!" Some one screamed into the mic. Moments later a loud clash was heard as the Ambulance rolled over and over at almost 200 mph.....through the air.
"Did you see that four point landing?" "Yeah, just before he went over that hill. Those guys'll never catch him now." "Stay frosty guys, looks like they see us and are headed this way" To the clatter of heavy guns being readied for combat.

OOC event id S571585
thought I was gonna lose that shiny new ambulance when the polt decided to put itself into an unalterable path of the fast moving behemoth.
vet wv zom pvp5 pvp2

Posted Jun 26, 2013, 5:07 am
Darkwind Guru

Deathrace Mafia Faction

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That was pure Dukes of Hazzard
vet wv pvp1 pvp5 pvp4 race1 zom pvp2 deathrce1 pvp3 combat1

Posted Jun 26, 2013, 6:10 am
Paceys Raiders
Darkwind Guru

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Only if they yelled "Yeeeee Haaaarrr" whilst airborne...
vet wv ss2fl67 pvp5 paintball pvp3 pvp2

Posted Jun 27, 2013, 12:55 am
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