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Braindump Draft 1, my thoughts so far, please discuss
Crazy AL
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The Last Stand

This game has some very fun qualities and would be a great example of what peds could do and be like but in a turn-based game of course.
vet wv zom pvp1 ped1

Posted Oct 3, 2014, 10:08 pm Last edited Oct 3, 2014, 10:08 pm by Crazy AL
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improve the graphics slap on a new title and call it dw2.


I would like to see current subbers get their prem duration transfered to dw2 when it does come out though. also 3d map of evan!
vet wv

Posted Oct 8, 2014, 7:37 am
Fatalis Foedi


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One nice feature would be better/moddable audio.

Thinking about it, the character voices added a lot to Jagged Alliance 2, both by bringing the 'toons to 'life,' but also, as I think about it, as an improvement to U/I -- their responses and cues helped figure out where you were in the turn cycle, etc.
vet wv ped2

Posted Oct 8, 2014, 2:56 pm
Deadwood Rangers
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Tallus said:
One nice feature would be better/moddable audio.

Thinking about it, the character voices added a lot to Jagged Alliance 2, both by bringing the 'toons to 'life,' but also, as I think about it, as an improvement to U/I -- their responses and cues helped figure out where you were in the turn cycle, etc.

Agreed! I bet you'll get enough interested players that are willing to do voice-overs gratis... Just gotta put together a script of what they could say given a particular event and skill/trait level... just like the interactions with the NPCs now.. The brave ones, "Pfft was that supposed to scare me?" The not so brave ones, "I just wet myself!".. The brave ones to the not so brave ones, "What's that smell?" The not so brave ones to the brave ones, "Sorry, I didn't mean to. Honest! It's the cargo I swear!" Heh Heh
vet wv

Posted Oct 21, 2014, 5:49 pm
Ryslocks Reavers
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I'd be kind of interested but the second you mentioned 'single-player' my interest nosedived. Pretty much any single player game, even stuff like Mass Effect and Tales of Maj'Eyal only lasts me a couple weeks - the multiplayer aspects I can play for months. Same with vaguely DW-similar turn-based games like Bloodbowl.

AI just is never as interesting as a human opponent or team mate - even when the AI is extremely capable as in AI Wars - it's getting other players into a game that takes it from good to awesome. There is no amount of lore, background and shinies that will keep my interest as much as challenge does.

What makes DW is the multiplayer aspect which creates most of the stories and lore - even if you solo scout, there's still other players around and you know it even if your main interaction is the market and lobby chat. Take that away and it's all rather dull despite the relative complexity of the physics and combat systems.

Would so much rather see DW re-engined and UI rebuilt with the gameplay left intact, since it works very well. Graphically it's *still* fine imo. Mechanically the engine is outdated, sure, a lot of elements still need tweaking and some bugs squished - yet the concept is solid.

Permadeath: As soon as you feature that in any kind of game you automatically lose some types of player and gain others, some which be fanatical - I see this as a good thing. Most of the rage from permadeaths here is usually because of the stupidity of it - scout failure (position or quantity), bad planning and bad luck. Usually needs 2 of these to potentially see breaches and injuries. Carelessness causes it all on it's own and lead to many of my gangers getting killed in the first couple weeks xD

The way it's implemented in DW is just perfect for my taste. You *can* take a bullet to the head and die outright, sure, but you can also get shot to hell and *still* be combat effective afterwards if your ganger is tough, lucky and there's a passable or lucky medic with you.
vet wv

Posted Nov 4, 2014, 8:29 pm
Fatalis Foedi


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One proposal to jump-start multi-player: would it be hard to allow players to take control of a single car on the bad guys team in a wilderness scout: e.g. I could sign up to "red team" a wilderness scouting event and, if I did well enough I could get the chance to keep the car or even the gangers.

This would certainly add a bit of spice to the park and bark routine: "dang it, that pho is running, and we didn't bring any muscle chasers.

It'd certainly be a cool intro to the game for folks just out of the tutorial.
vet wv ped2

Posted Nov 17, 2014, 2:25 am
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