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A new gang in town...
Hitmen Trucking Inc -CI-
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Doreen Thurston sat down heavily in the corner booth at Dexter's in Somerset. Weariness creased her face as much as the wind and sun turning her relatively youthful twenty four years into a decade or more of premature age. Tall for a woman, she stood at 5'11'', way too thin, and none too pretty. Fierce ice blue eyes fixed passers by with an appraising glare from underneath an almost permanently furrowed and worry lined brow. A hooked nose slightly off center from some past scrap finished off what can best be described as an unpleasant visage. She puffed out a breath while settling into a slouch, wedged into the corner of the booth, arms on the table. Two beers appeared on the table as the waitress bustled by, no words exchanged between them. Doreen "Dory" Thurston tipped well, and so got preferential treatment. As well as a not insignificant amount of useful gossip. It was one of the many good tactics her old man had passed on to her before his premature demise down south. Movement at the door caught her attention as a man walked through and glanced around quickly. Noticing Dory he walked straight over, without taking much stock of the rest of the room. Dory sighed inwardly. Her brother just trusted too much, head in the clouds, or more likely thinking about cams and compression, weapon calibers and ammo, and all the other things the mechanically gifted gent constantly thought about. Great wrench man, terrible fighter. She hoped it didn't get him killed one day. Knox Thurston smiled as he approached his sisters table, sidling along in a roguish gait meant to attract members of the opposite sex, although its effectiveness was certainly in doubt. Knox waived as if Dory had not seen him yet.
"What's up Big sis"?
Dory regarded him coolly as Knox sat down opposite her, back to the door of course. "Uh oh" she said, "there's Slash!" as she pointed toward the door behind Knox. The young mans face turned ashen as he quickly turned around and looked at the door behind him. Head wildly swinging back and forth looking for the person Dory had named. He heard his sister chuckling behind him from her slouching seat. She had not moved, if it had actually been Slash, Knox knew she would already be shooting. She was quick as a snake, and her lack of action clued him into the fact he'd been had. He turned angrily around and faced his sister while repositioning in the booth so he could see the door. "That #### ain't funny Doreen Thurston" he mumbled, obviously chagrined and pissed at the same time.
Dory shook her head, short wispy locks swinging in her face as she absent mindedly swept them back behind her ears. "How many times have I told you?". Knox frowned, an unnatural motion and configuration of his usually cheery demeanor.
"I dunno, a million and one"? "At least" Dory responded, and then waved her hand at him as if to dismiss the conversation altogether. "What do you want Knox, are the new cars ready yet or what"?
"I'm working on it Madame Thurston, it takes time to fix a wreck, you didn't exactly buy new did you"? Knox was smiling now, at his own joke, as usual.
Dory ignored the attempt at humor. "Money is tight after that business down south, you know that. I talked the association into reinstating our licenses. The money is on the way from down south but they've allowed us to operate, for now".
Dory hoped it was anyway, she didn't think the money lenders would screw them, but then she didn't think Slash would talk half the gangs down there into jumping one small start up dueler gang. Nasty business that, all of her crew dead but her and dear old little brother. That included her dad. She'd have revenge for that in time. For now, she had to get another gang together and make some money. Then Slash would pay for his treachery and overall unpleasant being. Why did the guy have it out for a small gang of racers and mercenaries for hire anyway? That was a question she supposed her Pop could answer, were he alive. There was something bigger here than just general greed and nastiness. She just sensed it. Knox broke into her reverie.
"We got a new call sign". Dory's left eyebrow raised "Oh?"
"Yeah, Cynth has a new name, if she survives".
Dory responded, exasperation evident. "What now" she said, knowing whatever it was would not be good.
Knox shook his head and spoke "She drove in a flame thrower death race today".
Dory put her face in her hands and mumbled through her fingers. "I suppose that went poorly then?" It obviously had, or Knox would not be mentioning it.
"You bet, got torched, and you know that little lap dog she had"? Dory knew it well, it yipped constantly and she despised it. Damn thing had bit her a few days ago.
"It got fried, we got her out and to the hospital, and the guys ate the dog, threw some BBQ sauce on it".
Dory stared levelly at Knox, waiting for the punch line. "Is that some kind of lame joke"?
"No, Zito led the charge, said he and his family ate lots of dogs".
Dory just stared.
"Anyway" Knox continued, "They renamed her BBQ"
Dory continued staring, unblinking.
"Sooo" Knox went on, "She'll likely survive, but those good looks are a bit of a historical situation at this point, I'll have to take her off my list, mores the pity". Knox paused slightly
"It has not improved her personality at all".
No, Dory thought, it would not do that at all. "OK" she said, "Make sure she gets treated, she's one of our best drivers, we need her, and send Zito over here, he fancies himself something of a gunslinger but I'm gonna smack him around for the BBQ dog thing".
Knox nodded in the affirmative. "Will do Big Chief, your cars will be ready tomorrow".
Dory actually cracked a crooked smile which somehow made her look more like a leering wolf than a happy person. "Good, let me know, we have a lot of work to do before we go cut Slash's junk off and feed it to him".
Knox grimaced "Geez Dory, do you always have to be so daggone graphic and, and, well vicious"?
"Yes brother dear, I do, it's why you and me are still kicking around this dust bowl".
vet wv pvp5 pvp3 pvp4

Posted Jan 16, 2010, 4:51 am
The Dark Knights
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You know about the gazette right?

They could use a writer like you... quality piece! :)
vet wv deathrceL1 marshal pvp2 zom pvp3

Posted Jan 16, 2010, 10:28 am
Grograts Gonads
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Great to have another Role player / Writer among our members, keep them coming :D
vet marshal wv community

Posted Jan 16, 2010, 11:10 am
Darkwind Guru


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Rezeak said:

You know about the gazette right?

They could use a writer like you... quality piece! :)


YES PLEASE!........

Next time you get the writers tickle, PM the story to me before putting it into the RP forums please! I need stories for the Gazette!


VERY good piece!

PLEASE continue writing but PM the stories to me first before submitting it to the RP forum.
vet marshal wv cont

Posted Jan 17, 2010, 1:30 am Last edited Jan 17, 2010, 1:34 am by *JD_Basher*
Hitmen Trucking Inc -CI-
Darkwind Guru


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Knox Thurston thought a lot of himself most of the time. He tried way too hard to dress well, spent inordinate amounts of time primping before going out, and generally expended a lot of his life worrying about how he looked. Knox had a loping saunter that he consciously affected, he called it his strut, his sister called it "The Rooster. Truth be told he practiced in mirrors, shiny metal, rear view mirrors, you name it. He looked at himself a lot. He also thought the ladies looked at him a lot. They didn't. He was tall and wide shouldered, and while one could not call him ugly, he was a bit too thin while his face was all sharp angles. Knox also carried the family "Roman Nose" as his Pop put it. Which is to say it was large and hooked, and entirely out of place on his thin face. It remained a constant mystery as to why he decided he was a gift to the female condition in the world. But Knox Thurston marched to his own drum beat. And that drum was made of sheet metal, with a machine gun attached to it. Knox's dad, "Guido" Thurston, had been a bit of a legend down south. Known as a skilled driver and even better mechanic he had bestowed those two loves on his children. Doreen got the driving and leadership, the younger Knox got the wrench turner gene. Where he got the false lady killer instinct was anyone's guess. But he was a good mechanic, in fact he was something of a savant. By age 15 he had eclipsed his old man by a long way and was the chief mechanic for his Pop's small "gang" in the south. Although Mr. Thurston would correct anyone who called it a mere gang. It was his "family", or sometimes "famiglia", he would reply to anyone uncouth enough to call it a gang. Known for rounding up the strangest group of strays and drifters, Guido had a knack for picking talent and was fiercely loyal. A trait that was returned to the three Thurston's by the rest of the "family". Knox had that trait as well, and his loyalty was All In, as the card sharks say, in support of his sister, the new famiglia leader. Although Dory his sister did seem to lack a large amount of the sentimentality of their father. She didn't call her group a family, she called it the more common title of gang. Knoc liked family better and so it was a running battle with his Big Sis. Knox was annoying as hell when it came to being stubborn, he figured he'd win one for the one man in this case.
Knox pushed himself out from under the wreck of a car Bobby Green had just driven back to the town yesterday. It was a bleedin disaster, literally and figuratively. He had made Bobby, or Robert as he liked to be called although none ever did as he just looked like a Bobby, clean up the mess. It was an unpleasant fact of the brave new world that looted cars often came with both loot and body pieces and fluids. Someone had to clean it. The Famiglia's rule was the one who made the kill shot and claimed the trophy cleaned it. Knox never touched them until they were relatively at least, clean. He always found goo in the damndest places anyway while refitting them, but for the most part he avoided that part of the business like the plague. Gave him the heebie jeebies, blood made him squirm. He tried not to ponder his profession choice and that fact, he couldn't square them in his psyche so he ignored it as best as possible. Getting off the floor he carefully cleaned and put away the tools he was using. Meticulously clean himself his small shop area reflected that tidiness, although it was still dusty and grimy as the gang had a garage shelter-ish setup. Not enough money for a proper place like down south. Knox gazed at the two medium sized tool boxes and frowned. That was it, all that was left of what had been an impressive collection of old world tools his dad had owned. Actually, it was an emergency stash the old man had squirreled away and only told Dory about. She had managed to get it shipped, and not stolen of a wonder, here up north from down south. Pop must have had an inkling that something might go pear shaped, and so had prepared. Knox thanked his spirit daily for that, and for the small nest egg of money they had found, and spent, to get them out of the pickle they found themselves in after has dad's death. Spinning away from the tools and walking toward the tent flap he spoke to himself out loud, while snapping his fingers and making his "a-ha" face.
"I gotta get these hands clean and go tell Zito to see the boss, and then on to lovely what's her name". He had already quite forgotten what's her names name.
His sister had told him to send Zito hours ago but it had completely slipped his scattered mind. He'd chatted up the lovely shop girl over at Jake's for a while and she'd agreed to go out with him, all the way over to Dexter's, later tonight. He was quite pleased with himself for that, and had celebrated by working on his nitro boost system on his new 4L Sunrise Big Sis had given him. Now if he could only get the nitro. Stuff was scarce as the hairs on his Pop's head. It was a quick walk to the living space they rented near the wall. It was more dangerous near the wall what with all the pirates and such, but it was cheaper and they helped defend that portion if need be for the discount from the land lord and city powers that be. Knox pushed the door open absently and sauntered in, as if young what's her name might be watching. He really needed to find out her name before he picked her up, or soon after. Too bad his 4L wasn't ready. Not that they could go far without getting shot at. He'd been dying to try the "I ran out of fuel" trick Zito had told him. While he thought of sawed off Zito and his bad attitude and smarmy plans he nearly ran into him as he entered the small kitchen.
"Look out space cadet". The snarly little troll said. Knox called him a snarly little troll, in his mind of course. The man was insane. He ate dogs.
"Sorry Zito, I was just wondering what Dory was going to do to you for eating Cynth's dog". Knox might be afraid of him, but he could not help sassing off sometimes.
"Huh? Why would she do that?" Snarly troll actually sounded worried.
Knox pressed it. "Because you should not eat one of your family's pets, that's why".
Zito looked levelly at Knox, it was a not an unfriendly glare, but a considering one. Wonders never cease thought Knox. Zito put down the dish towel and the plate he was cleaning absentmindedly then looked at the frying pan and the rest of the meal he was cleaning. Knox realized it was likely the mess from the dog Bar B Que. Gross he thought, glad I didn't actually come straight back here. Zito cleared his throat.
"Yes, well, I hadn't considered that". He made a huffing sound
"I dunno, maybe that's a valid point". Zito leaned back against the shelves and crossed his stumpy arms. Knox realized everything about him was stumpy, including his stunted and stumpy emotions.
"You and your sister make people think about these things don't you? Is that some kind of mutation or something"? Knox had never considered that, it was of course preposterous.
"Are you people digging around in my damn skull or something"?
Knox let him continue, maybe the man was about to make a breakthrough in his glacially thick emotional state. But he stopped talking and started walking away.
Knox talked to his back.
"Where are you going, to see Dory? Because she told me to tell you she wanted to see you". He needed confirmation, because Big Sis would already be pissed, and at least he could truthfully tell her Zito was on the way if they missed each other. It had been hours so no telling where she was, and he had nearly forgotten again to boot. Come to think if it, he thanked his lucky stars she had not already found old stumpy arms before he did. Sometimes it was enough to be lucky than good.
"Eventually". The little man said as he pushed open the door, paused and looked back. "But I have to go find another princess for the kingdom". Knox laughed out loud. Princess was the dogs name, the late great departed royalty of Bar B Que fame, or infamy he supposed.
"Yeah, that might not be a bad idea, Cynth may forgive you in a thousand years if you do that, or maybe she won't curse your soul for all eternity".
Zito grimaced, then put his hand on his stomach. "First though, I have to find the throne room, it appears the last princess is not done annoying me quite yet".
Knox was wiping tears from his laughing eyes for at least fifteen minutes.

OOC: Sent this to the Gazette as well, I'd guess not everyone reads everything so it'sll get more light this way. Cheers all, JS.
vet wv pvp5 pvp3 pvp4

Posted Jan 17, 2010, 2:56 pm
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