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Engine v.103, Scripts v.214, Foodsquads, creatures, characters
Canis Lupus
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Also as a side note, the vehicle in question was fitted with spikes, now if he had hit us we would have taken damage and not be able to respond in kind.

Also does this mean if this thing was meant to stop greifing, it could still be done in a ram car ?
vet combatL1 raceL1 wv

Posted Nov 26, 2008, 8:23 pm
Dr Mathias
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I'd just like to pipe in on this issue... I'd vote to revert back to the way deathraces were conducted in the past. The current fix seems really unrealistic, although I acknowledge it as a legitimate attempt to address a problem. The repercussions of the change don't outweigh the positives IMO.

Here's my attempt to develop a satisfying way to address the issue realistically and at the same time correct the problem of driving against the flow...

Personally I can see the crowd (not visible of course, but presumed to be attending) firing rifles and crossbows (and lots of 'em) at a person driving reverse or camping. It is a "race" afterall... but how would a computer tell the difference between a legit car limping along and an A-hole player? How would it know a player is stopped legitimately, or moving slow in order to perform a dastardly deed? I think it could be tied to engine and chassis health... a damaged car would of course limp along, or even stop so that a driver could recover. But there would be no reason (in the crowd's eyes, I imagine) for a car in good condition to stop in place, even to ambush cars coming around, RACING, in a legitimate manner. The crowd should/could/would open fire!!! Yeah camping/reversing direction/ turing to fire at oncomers  is a tactic, but its not in the spirit of the very sport this entire game is based upon.

Barring a code or rules change, what needs to happen is an in-game, pc community reaction to the problem players. The ones I have in mind are pretty much self made pariahs anyway, and thats fine, but why can't we come together and make sure they never, ever win a town event? We know who will turn around and kill everyone, but why can't we pull together and change the course of history?
vet combat1 ped1 wv cont

Posted Nov 27, 2008, 5:04 am
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What that guy above me said.

vet wv community

Posted Nov 27, 2008, 5:25 am
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as long as we get to rgm the crowds in return for them taking shots at us pirahas :cyclops: i like it hehe. but id hate to see the crowd at fl arena armed lol thed kill everyone then start a riot :stare:
vet paintball wv1,0,2

Posted Nov 27, 2008, 8:34 am
The Salthill Sluggerz
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does this mean if this thing was meant to stop greifing, it could still be done in a ram car ?

No, you lose engine power if you drive backwards around a circuit.

I don't like the idea of the crowd firing at people. That's much more open to mistakes on the part of the server, and I can just imagine the complaints when people are 'unfairly' killed by the crowd.

I'll change the rule so it uses 2 checkpoints-distance rather than 1. I'm convinced it's a better solution than others that have been suggested.

marshal vet deathrce1 paintladder combat1 wv ped1 cont slay2013

Posted Nov 27, 2008, 10:08 am
Luna Sea
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What if you just coded the crowd to shoot at anyone with ARL tags?
vet marshal wv

Posted Nov 27, 2008, 6:18 pm
Grograts Gonads
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**** sly giggle ****
vet marshal wv community

Posted Nov 27, 2008, 7:32 pm
Canis Lupus
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*sam* said:
does this mean if this thing was meant to stop greifing, it could still be done in a ram car ?

No, you lose engine power if you drive backwards around a circuit.

I don't like the idea of the crowd firing at people. That's much more open to mistakes on the part of the server, and I can just imagine the complaints when people are 'unfairly' killed by the crowd.

I'll change the rule so it uses 2 checkpoints-distance rather than 1. I'm convinced it's a better solution than others that have been suggested.

but the point is Sam on these tracks you dont need to drive backwards, you can wait where the track crosses back on itself and well if you were a serious greifer you could just latch on to someone as they come past and keep ramming them and they couldn't respond....or am i missing something ?

while 2 checkpoints will work on somerset rally it needs to be checked on all tracks
vet combatL1 raceL1 wv

Posted Nov 27, 2008, 9:05 pm
The Bytten Squad


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I've been following this thread with some interest and I like the various ideas that have been expressed - though they vary in practicality!

The fundamental problem comes back to the old AI/human split. Things that are bloody obvious to us are very hard for computers to spot, such as the difference between a car deliberately hanging back and a car struggling with some handicap. Not all handicaps are obvious - a damaged engine is easy to recognise, but what about a new player with poor driving ability? What about one of those car/wall arguments that seem to happen every race? And what if my car is a custom job entering a professional race, and is simply too heavy to build up speed? There are countless scenarios. The more complex the system, the more loopholes.

I think artificially limiting such tactics will not help. There are always going to be loopholes that can be exploited, and there will always be "false positives" in which a player is penalised through no fault of their own.

How about a simple reporting option? If you spot a player behaving badly, you can report them. One or two reports won't be a problem, but repeated reports would suggest foul play. Of course, this system itself is rife for exploitation - some form of independent adjudication is required. And there's very little hope of NPC races being scanned this way.

Ultimately, my concern is that attempting to block cheating tactics like this will limit and damage the game itself. It would be better if we can retain as much freedom as possible.
vet wv

Posted Nov 28, 2008, 5:59 pm
Lord Foul
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Implemented rules changes to races and deathraces. Now, if you try to drive around the circuit the wrong way your car’s engine will lose power. In a deathrace, you will only be able to fire targeted weapons at enemies who are within one checkpoint of you (so you can’t for example sit at the starting grid and kill people as they complete their first lap.. not that anyone would try anything so dastardly LOL).

Sam, can you confirm these are the only changes you made concerning deathraces?

I did a deathrace and my jumpstart skills were not used in the event. I don't normally use my racer for a deathrace, but decided to give it a try and to my surprise no js skills were being activated.
vet race1 deathrce1 wv zom circuit1 pvp1 northernsummer community circuit3 paintball55,204,126

Posted Jan 5, 2009, 7:01 am
The Salthill Sluggerz
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Yes, jumpstart should work fine in deathraces. How do you know it didn't kick in?
marshal vet deathrce1 paintladder combat1 wv ped1 cont slay2013

Posted Jan 5, 2009, 11:27 am
Kime Dennory
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What does it look like when jumpstart is 'activated'?

I have a guy with jumpstart, but the NPCs still (at least the ones with 350 driving skill) seem to accelerate faster than he does.


Posted Jan 5, 2009, 8:58 pm
Dr Mathias
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I have a lvl 3 jumpstarter, and can only see a real 'jumpstart' in maybe 1 of 3 races. Thats fine as far as I'm concerned, gives the newbs a chance to win a race.
vet combat1 ped1 wv cont

Posted Jan 5, 2009, 11:43 pm
Lord Foul
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*sam* said:
Yes, jumpstart should work fine in deathraces. How do you know it didn't kick in?

Event  44701

I accelerated at the same speed as all the other npc cars. I think this may be another bug with the Flash chassis again as I decided to watch my event and look closely at the start and here is what I saw before the event began. This may have negated my JS skill in some way.


You'll notice that only the passenger side of the cars are touching the ground when the event started.

Kime, you can tell by your speed when compared to the npc cars when the race starts. The higher the jumpstart skill, the faster your speed with be early on in the race. For example if we all start at 30, round one goes off and I would be at 34 and the npcs would be at 32. Round 2 I would be say at 37 and the npcs would be at 34 etc.. With all the racing I do I can tell when something is not right with my jumpstart guy.

If this is another bug with the Flash chassis, it really needs to be looked at as the number of bugs this chassis has is starting to really pile up.
vet race1 deathrce1 wv zom circuit1 pvp1 northernsummer community circuit3 paintball55,204,126

Posted Jan 6, 2009, 4:44 am
Lord Foul
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Yep thats what is was Sam, the passenger side only touching the ground for that event negated my Jumpstart skill. So it's either a fluke event that ruined the deathrace for me or it is another bug that is related to the Flash chassis. More testing with other cars on that track would have to be done to confirm.

I did some testing with same stuff and when they were all touching, my jumpstart was working. See below:


vet race1 deathrce1 wv zom circuit1 pvp1 northernsummer community circuit3 paintball55,204,126

Posted Jan 6, 2009, 5:06 am Last edited Jan 6, 2009, 5:10 am by Lord Foul
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Well, at least you can't say physics are broken. :rolleyes:

vet cont zom slay2013 marshal wv

Posted Jan 6, 2009, 6:50 am
Kime Dennory
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Interesting. I was just remarking earlier today that the NPCs always accelerate faster than I do. (In fact, it seems pretty reliable... they're always going two MPH faster than I am, for the first several seconds.) This is, of course, without either side having jump start.

Never understood it.


Posted Jan 6, 2009, 8:03 am
The Salthill Sluggerz
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I was just remarking earlier today that the NPCs always accelerate faster than I do.

Did you check their driving skills?
marshal vet deathrce1 paintladder combat1 wv ped1 cont slay2013

Posted Jan 6, 2009, 9:41 am
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