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Two Guineas 2059
Darkwind Guru


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Pinson hit the table with a fist to get Fred's attention.
"You wanna hear the story or not bud?"

Fred nodded, looking at the crack Pinsons fist made in the table.

We were coming up on the second bridge as the mortars came down on us....

All the other Pirates had stopped the chase except for the Buzzer.
It had a mortar and an AT gun targeting us... The mortar had the range and was firing at us. The big gun was waiting for a chance.

Pop was grabbing gears to speed up as we went down the slope leading to the second bridge. We were moving too slow, the Buzzer was catching us.

Pop grabbed the mic and yelled "GUNNERS number one....... Everyone man the guns!" The gunners began to move to the number one trailer, the one right behind the truck.... Bumping over the road and moving between the trailers was not an easy task. The gunners grabbed all the ammo they could carry and still be stable and moved to the first trailer....

As we turned onto the second bridge the Buzzer found our range, they had cleared the first bridge and had closed the distance between us.

The mortar rounds cratered the roadway in front of us and a few hit the superstructure above us.. The Buzzer was still getting closer.

We were midway on the bridge when the first Mortar round hit us dead center between the cab and the sleeper.... I bounced off the walls with the impact. Pop was trying to regain control when the next one hit.....
It hit the first trailer right where the flamethrowers were. The detonation of the flamethrower fuel killed everyone left in the the trailer and blew the first trailer off the truck leaving the remaining trailers twisting and bouncing off themselves as they slowed to a stop when they dropped off the exit of the bridge.. Our truck had no trailers now.... One gunner, Pop, ..... and me.......
vet marshal wv cont

Posted Jan 16, 2012, 6:46 am
Raging Scavengers
Darkwind Guru

Evan Reds Faction


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Everyone grew silent, hanging on Pinsons lasts word...

...everyone accept Fred Stone, chair rattling as he shook with fright. The only sound as they waited for Pinson to finish his tale was the chattering on the wooden floor boards. 'Stone' was now deep into his scorpion fed vision, the scene playing out in his mind, on the table before him. As Pinsons' hand struck the table, it created a huge chasm. The truck plummeted to the ravine floor in a hail of Mortar shells and a blaze of fuel. Fred sat shaking staring at the flames.

Surely they were food for the Buzzer
marshal vet wv pvp4 zom cont pvp32,12,1

Posted Jan 19, 2012, 4:53 am
Darkwind Guru


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I was still in the sleeper manning the HMG when the next Mortar rounds hit...

One mortar hit next to the left front wheel and the suspension caved in on that side.... The next blew out the twin pair of tires on the right rear...
The truck was sliding and slowing.....

Another mortar blew a crater in front of the truck and Pop was 'pinwheeling' the steering wheel to keep us from diving into the newly made crater.

The only thing I remember after that was an explosion that took out the windscreen. One of the rounds had hit the truck right on top of the driver side front window.... I was knocked out by the explosion.... For at least 30 minutes.. I know it was that long because my Pop bled out and died while I was knocked out....

The round that hit the windscreen almost decapitated him...

Pinson gulped down one of his beers and looked around.....
Then downed the beer he had left...... He hated this memory.....
The tale needed to be told though.....

When the mortar round killed my dad, he was trying to miss the crater in front of us. When he died, our momentum carried us forward. We landed in the crater at ZERO speed....

The Manhunters had a field day looting the trailers we had dropped and taking me and our last gunner to the "Pit" in Firelight...

I eventually gained my freedom from Firelight but our gunner died there.. I was young....
I had just made my first kill.....
Friends had died.....
Pop was dead......

All I wanted to do was kill...........
I was allowed to kill as much as I wanted to in "The Pit" until The owners made enough betting cash on me. They made a LOT on me.....
Pop was right... I was DAMN good with a weapon in my hands.... It didn't matter if it was an MG or HMG..... I could target and lead them till I hit them....... And I hit them EVERY time!

Pinson shook his head from the memory...... Looking at Fred..
"Sorry I took so much of your time bud!"

"That's the end of my story dood... "

Pinson gets the bartenders attention again and orders 3 more......
vet marshal wv cont

Posted Jan 19, 2012, 5:52 am Last edited Jan 19, 2012, 5:54 am by *JD_Basher*
Raging Scavengers
Darkwind Guru

Evan Reds Faction


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Everyone erupted in chatter about the events, discussing this point and that, whether the trailer went left or right after this happened or not.

What was important, and what got Fred about the whole thing, was the character behind it all. Now he knew the mark that cut so deep and carved this Brutal Giant.

The effect of the scorpions now fading, Fred could get back to drinking, and that he did, as he and Pinson traded a few more stories. Little did Fred know he'd never see his friend again after that night.
marshal vet wv pvp4 zom cont pvp32,12,1

Posted Jan 21, 2012, 6:34 am
Darkwind Guru


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Joined: Feb 11, 2007

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Ron Pinson of the Gearjammers watched the rocket that was going to kill him burn ever closer to him. Time seemed to slow for him as he watched the rockets fins move to track its target as the car moved, bouncing over the terrain of "The Pathways to Darkness". Everyone knew why they named it..... It was a continually windy and dark place to die...
2 hours previously:

The leader of the Rogue Traders, Florence Nightingale had come to the Gearjammers lockup looking for Rita "Garbo" Garber, the current leader of the Gearjammers.
The plan was straight-forward.... Hunt the Crusaders take the loot and run... "Garbo" said "sure we'll go with ya. We have a triple GAT Apache we can send"..... Florence turned on her heel before "Garbo" had finished her sentence and was out the door when "Garbo" said, "We'll send out our best".... Florence didn't hear the last comment, already planning on the new guns she could buy with the loot..
"Garbo" went to the radio shack and put the call out.... "Break-break.. Pinson, Santana and "Jay" Rae, please come to the lockup and see me".

The three came in one after the other and stood in front of the desk while "Garbo" was writing on and signing numerous cost reports and loot cash forms...... She looked up at the three... Pinson towering over them and taking up just as much width space as the two in front of him.

"Garbo" spoke, "Got a milk run for you three...." All three grinned.
"The Rogue Traders and the Gypsy Jesters want to scout with us.... The CR won't be very high, so not a lot of opposition is expected." The three looked at each other still grinning. "You will be taking the 'Gat Rogue' and you leave in 20 minutes..... " "Santana, you drive.. Jay you take the rear gun... Doreen "Jay" Rae slumped obviously disappointed. "DAMN I always get the rear gun why can't I....." Garbo cut her off in mid sentence. "Because Big Boy there is gonna handle the Heavy Gat..." Garbo said, nodding at Pinson. Garbo looked at the faded clock on the wall and said "You now have 17 minutes to get set and ready... Quit breathing my air and get the hell out there and earn your keep!"

Pinson stuck his huge arm out the window waving at the Somerset guards as they passed the gates with The Rogue Traders in the lead and the Jesters pulling tail end 'charlie'. His huge hand slapped the top of the Apache like a bongo drum "YEAH!.... Lets get some!"

35 miles out they entered the 'Pathways' treacherous part of Evan.

The best scout in the Gearjammers car was rated only 28 and she was facing backwards.. no help there... Unless we were ambushed.

A call came over the radio... "I have trails in front umm 12 o'clock..." "Two Marauders, a Spirit, a chomper and a Phoenix..." This from the Jesters. He was new but had good eyes.

Pinson was already targeting the near Marauder before the radio crackle stopped... He nodded at Santana as Carlos grabbed the microphone... "We have the close Marauder" Carlos' hand flipped the activation switches on the overhead. Pison had an uncanny field of vision and saw when Santana activated his gun. Santana was about to tell his crew their guns were active when Pinson let off a back to back stream of tracers at the lead Marauder. Brrraaaaaapppp...... Brrrraaaaaapppp.....

The Apaches front lifted slightly, the big 4L's weight holding it down.
The HGG's first burst took a lot of armor from the front of the truck as it fired its twin Rocket launchers. Both rockets left the truck as the second HGG burst hit it. A bloom of black smoke from the engine showed at least one or more of Pinsons rounds had done some critical damage. The Marauder had already been hit once before the rockets were let loose and one of the incoming flying baseball bats was hit with one of Pinsons second round burst and spiraled, trailing smoke, overhead into the distance detonating far from our group. The other one impacted directly into the opening in our front armor made for cooling the engine, damaging our radiator and the engine itself enough to slow our acceleration quite a bit.

Santana followed Pinsons lead and let loose a stream of tracers into the Marauder... Pinsons next rounds spun the light truck and it rolled landing on its top. The occupants of the Marauder waved their hands out the broken windows meaning they intended to surrender.

Santana and Pinson both swung the targeting reticles to the Phoenix and took aim. Santana maneuvered just in front of the 'surrendered' truck to get a better line on the Phoenix. He accelerated, hoping more speed would help....
As they passed in front of the overturned Marauder, it fired on them again.... Twin Rockets in the passenger door where Pinson sat. The critical hit took all of the remaining armor from that side and knocked Pinson out temporarily.

There were calls on the radio from the Jesters for help and Santana turned back to try to help..... As they turned, Doreen "Jay" Rae was able to target the Chomper and keep them from following, taking armor off them in bits and pieces.

They reached the Jesters position just as they were accelerating past.
Santana turned to follow as Pinson woke up. "Get it together big boy! We have some killin' to do!"

Doreen continued peppering the Chomper as it followed at a distance... Her Sniper skills were well paid for....
"I have the second Marauder" Pinson said slowly, still not quite conscious. Santana targeted the same truck and moved in for another kill. They were 20 meters from the overturned truck moving in front of it again..... There was no movement in the upside-down Marauder.

Pinson squeezed the trigger of the HGG and flames enveloped the front of the Apache as the streaming trail of lead arced into the side of the remaining Rocket Truck. Santana did the same and more chunks of armor were blasted from the once pristine Marauder. That truck was the last target Pinson would ever meet in this life.

They passed in front of the overturned truck.

70 meters away... Pinson turned his massive head and watched as the overturned truck fired a twin volley of baseball bat sized projectiles. They left the tubes and their fins unfolded to guide them on their deadly mission.
Santana had forgotten that there was no armor left on Pinsons side of the car....

One of the rockets hit just above the front wheel well leaving a gaping hole but not exploding... The rocket had lodged itself in the #6 cylinder of the big 4L dropping the horsepower they had left available to less than half. Santana heard Pinson say, "Take 'em out guys.... No worries!"

Santana was concentrating on the still moving Marauder and was pulsing the GAT trigger when an explosion hit them and something wet hit his face and hands... He was deafened by the blast and could only hear the muffled screams of Doreen in the back seat.
He turned to tell her to shut up when he saw the limp body of Ron Pinson slipping from his torn harness down to the small floor space in front of him....
Present time:

Ron watched the twin rockets. He knew which one was his "Golden Bullet".

Both would hit the car....... Hopefully his team mates would survive....
The other.. Well, only he and God would know if he had lived his life good enough... The fins of the rocket moved in unison as they guided the projectile. Pinson saw every movement. He saw the "golden bullet"  when it impacted the upper door rail and spray its shrapnel both above the car and into it.... into himself. There were no other memories.
Everything that had been Ronald "Big Guns" Pinson was taken in a flash of light and sound and spread over his team mates...

"Garbo" had not see this many gangs assembled in one place for a long time.
"Ron was one of our best.... THE best! One of the best in Evan!" She stuttered... He was a gentle, mountain of a man even though he had a hard life as we all do here. It took a LOT to make him angry unless you hurt him physically...
HE was my friend.

Rita "Garbo" Garber held out the small bouquet of flowers over his casket and laid them on top..
"Be at rest my friend!"

Eight Gearjammers held and pulled the ropes under the coffin to lift it as the supports were removed.
They slowly lowered the large coffin into the deep hole as a man stood by one of the large windmills and played his pipes....


vet marshal wv cont

Posted Jan 22, 2012, 5:53 am Last edited Jan 22, 2012, 6:29 am by *JD_Basher*
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