What would you like from us?


Posted Jul 22, 2006, 8:18 pm
What would you like from us right now as participants? Anything you would like us to do right now to help this game along?

Posted Jul 22, 2006, 9:34 pm
Thanks for asking :D

The recent questionnaire was very useful, and it convinced me that I'm not just wasting my time, and that the reason people aren't participating much is because the game really isn't near enough to completion to keep them interested. Most people seem to be awaiting more combat functionality, and a lot of people don't like being tied down to exclusively scheduled events. So that's good, and it has galvanised me again...

In terms of helping, parapsycho has been doing a great job speading the word around the 'web (thanks mate). If you could attract some more players in here, that would be very cool. Even word-of-mouth :)

Also, please do keep active in the forums, making suggestions and responding to the ideas I'm posting.. and keep playing! The best thing to keep me encouraged is to see people enjoying it..

If anyone feels they can help with some 2D graphics, 3D modelling, or level design, pleased let me know. These are quite specialised skills though...

Posted Jul 22, 2006, 9:46 pm
professionally I am a graphic artist and illustrator. I used to do a lot of computer animation 3DStudio Max and Rhino (but I was more of a modeler f you couldnt tell by the Rhino comment), but without the software I am not much use. But I would be interested in helping out with some 2D stuff if you like.

Posted Jul 23, 2006, 12:47 am
sam said:
In terms of helping, parapsycho has been doing a great job speading the word around the 'web (thanks mate).

Thanks. I'm definately trying. It's kind of hard to gage my sucess with that, since the forums are mostly dead, so I have no idea how many people are joining, and from where.

I counted about 160 gangs on the active gang list. Would it be possible to put up the stats somewhere so I could track my PR progress?

Posted Jul 23, 2006, 8:37 am
I have told several of my friends about it, and one ofthem I know was trying to fnid the site... dont know how far he got though. I would say the game needs a bit more polishing before you see a good deal more people coming on. But I do want to see this game thrive. So hopefully Sam wont get tired just yet.

Posted Jul 23, 2006, 11:54 am
RE PR success, I could have the emails I get when someone signs up emailed to you also? (They are asked where they heard about Darkwind).

Wow, didn't realise you had those art skills. There are several places where the website could use some 2D art (for example, character mugshots would be great, but I'd need to tie them to the 3D character models I intend to use). Speaking of the 3D character models, it would be great to have their textures modfied to create lots of variations (clothes, hair, faces, etc.)
Also the in-game GUIs are quite amateurish (I'm a programmer, not an artist), so maybe we could discuss the improvement of them?..

Posted Jul 23, 2006, 6:24 pm
sam said:
RE PR success, I could have the emails I get when someone signs up emailed to you also? (They are asked where they heard about Darkwind).

Ok. That might work. Wouldnt hurt to give it a shot. Do you have my adress?

Posted Jul 24, 2006, 10:14 am
Ok. That might work. Wouldnt hurt to give it a shot. Do you have my adress?

I sure do, it's in the database ;-)
