Media v.92, Engine v.118


Posted Aug 14, 2009, 11:18 am
This patch adds the media assets for the Texan maps and the new Badlands arena. The arena is now open and seems to work well.. Texan coming soon.

Posted Aug 14, 2009, 11:47 am
I wish I could Fly !

But I can't .


Posted Aug 14, 2009, 11:57 am
Heh. The vampires managed the jumps well at around 70mph+

Maybe a new driving specialism is in order: 'aerial maneuvers'? (I can think of a couple of ways of tweaking the physics of a flying car to make it handle better, not nosedive so much etc.)

Posted Aug 14, 2009, 1:05 pm
yep, the nosediving is a problem. I remember that from trying to jump the elms river with a vampire.

Posted Aug 14, 2009, 6:26 pm

"Aerobatics"? "Airborne"? "Stuntman"?

Stuntman might be cool - improved handling/decreased damage during jumps, rolls, etc.
Dr Mathias

Posted Aug 14, 2009, 7:43 pm
The nosediving thing is a problem on this track, most cars I tested in the mission builder could make the jump easy, in fact an Alpha (rather its equivalent) could do it at 40mph.

Can't seem to do the same in a Moray, I hit the opposite ramp edge every time :stare:

I wonder does the position of your car in relation to where it ends at the 'end of turn' while on the ramp make a difference?

EDIT: Posted in bugs forum, after resigning npc continued to fire, and I noticed my car had been taken over by AI... it just spun around in circles.
Dr Mathias

Posted Aug 14, 2009, 8:23 pm
*sam* said:
I can think of a couple of ways of tweaking the physics of a flying car to make it handle better, not nosedive so much etc.)

Can this be done on a per-map basis? That would be sweet, driving specs are pretty hard to get and I'd hate to see a player need 'stuntman' to be able to fully enjoy the arena.

I do like the spec idea though :)
We'd be able to get some serious air!
The Paranoid Tourist

Posted Aug 14, 2009, 9:16 pm
A Chomper can do it at about 70 mph, as well. I just recommend that you don't head to the jump right from the start unless you're in a very fast car.

It's a lot of fun, though. Fairly open but with some things to hide behind and maneuver around. Great work!

Posted Aug 14, 2009, 10:30 pm
Feedback from the Double Down - if you're interested...

Tried it with a Flash and Vampire - agree with PT - do NOT go straight for the jump. :)

Both worked fine with some bounce.

Just now tried it with a Wardance. Woo-hoo! That thing flies!

Good: jumps well - just enough bounce to keep you trying to keep control. Drifting around the teeth and lining up for the "other" jump was fun. I ran it wide open the entire 120 turns (after spinning and getting a head start on jump #1). Lots 'o fun!

Bad: okay, not bad, but a question - should the ramps ALWAYS cause tyre damage? Every time I hit the ramps it did. If it's supposed to, that's fine, but if not...

Also - and this is very cool - when I hit the ramps at 70 - 80 in the Flash & Vampire, I'd "land" on the ramp. The Bucc did that too at 80 - 90. But at 110 or so you actually jump PAST the landing ramp. Very cool - very realistic.

Again, thanks Sam for putting this in and thanks Doc for the work!


PS - Sam - maps d/l fine via the client from home. Must have been a firewall issue at work.

EDIT: was so excited I forgot to add - what about racing there? Would it be possible to add checkpoints that you had to cross? On the heels of that question would be - if yes, then could the Joust Track be open for Arena Events as well? Especially ped events?

Posted Aug 15, 2009, 4:12 am
If I might suggest a change to doubledown, make one ramp flat, and the other angled.
The player shoots off the flat ramp and lands at about the same angle on the angled ramp, or you fly off the angled one and just barely make the flat ramp.
SUVs, buzzers, etc, could just fly off the flat ramp and avoid taking angled ramp, while musclecars and the like would be able to go either way.

Posted Aug 15, 2009, 9:11 am
RE racing - if you ran a combat with no weapons, you'd basically have a race to make the most jumps within 120 moves.

I could also add a user-defined score multiplier for the jumps themselves, so you could make a combat where the jumps had more or less significance - put them high and you've basically got a deathrace...

Posted Aug 15, 2009, 9:33 am
*sam* said:
RE racing - if you ran a combat with no weapons, you'd basically have a race to make the most jumps within 120 moves.

I could also add a user-defined score multiplier for the jumps themselves, so you could make a combat where the jumps had more or less significance - put them high and you've basically got a deathrace...

Oh that sounds like fun, had a go yesterday with Dr used the 3.2 phoenix, made jump at 50mph, great fun, love the way you drop into gully if miss jump wooh ooo. Player defined jump points would be very cool. I want more arenas like this :)
