Bulk problem


Posted Apr 23, 2007, 3:39 pm
agin my bulk in car's like

there bulk not calculated right

Posted Apr 23, 2007, 4:17 pm
Do you know at what stage they went wrong? I have been through the code that deletes cargo fuel that's been used and it looks fine. It would be great to have the point of problem narrowed down.. thnx..

Posted Apr 23, 2007, 5:34 pm
*sam* said:
Do you know at what stage they went wrong? I have been through the code that deletes cargo fuel that's been used and it looks fine. It would be great to have the point of problem narrowed down.. thnx..

the moray called bandit been like that a 3 or 4 event's ago
if u do  the count moray should have like 10 or 11 more bulk but it dont so :(

Posted Apr 23, 2007, 6:14 pm
another bulk problem now i got when it happend exactly



Date Ready (Server Time)
2007-04-23 21:09
Buccaneer  (Health 100%) 
3.2L  (Health 24%)

Location Amount Grade 
Front 12 C
Rear 12 C
Left 12 C
Right 12 C
Top 4 C
Bottom 4 C

Loc. Type Hlth Ammo
Rear Heavy Machine Gun  100% 20

Type Location Health
Standard FL 85%
Standard FR 100%
Standard RL 75%
Standard RR 80%

10 of 10 units 
Name Location 
Unspecified Driver Driving
Additional seats: 0

Description Health
Cargo Space Left: 0

Combat Rating

S1071 TradeMercury vs. Hudson`s Quay Trading Company Gates of Elmsfield 2007-04-23 18:41:59

after he get alot of dmg in last game the bulk problem came on

Posted Apr 23, 2007, 7:04 pm
'Tally Ho' landrunner in Elmsfield is still wrong too Sam. Not sure when it happened exactly, but I'll try to keep my eyes open to it. Hopefully wolf found the bug location for ya.

Posted Apr 23, 2007, 7:18 pm
Sorry to dog pile but my Desert Tank "Rogue Tank II" is having an identical problem.

Last night Toe and me were scouting and I re-loaded my RL. This was the only weapon I had to reload. I also carried a HMG reload.

Going into the battle, I had only 2 spaces available in cargo with RL and HMG reloads on board. Now, after the battle, I show one HMG reload and only 2 spaces available to work with. No room for the RL reload anymore. I lost 8 cargo spaces somehow.

Posted Apr 23, 2007, 7:23 pm
somehow I lost space in at least 1 other vehicle 'frankenstein'. I think it's similar to jd's problem. I had 2 guys in it, 1 hmg reload, 1 RL reload. Now I don't have enough room for all that. -sorry, don't know event id.

edit: just did an event with frankenstein and everything seems to be back to normal. I noticed all the space was available on the loot window, but not in the vehicle profile before I went scouting :thinking:

Posted Apr 23, 2007, 9:23 pm
Ah, I found it. It was an obscure side-effect of the code I put in a few days ago to try to find "mamba's freezing client" problem. Which hasn't happened to him since.. grrr...

I'll write a script now to recalculate the space in all your vehicles.


Posted Apr 23, 2007, 9:24 pm
*sam* said:
Ah, I found it. It was an obscure side-effect of the code I put in a few days ago to try to find "mamba's freezing client" problem. Which hasn't happened to him since.. grrr...

I'll write a script now to recalculate the space in all your vehicles.

thx alot

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 7:24 pm
Sam, this just happened to my new Deville. Didn't even take it out yet. I needed more fuel space, so I replaced the 8L w a 7L, but space available didn't change. It did have 1 unit of fuel cargo when I did the engine change...

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 8:10 pm
Same here, just replaced a 3.2 L with a 2.5 L and the 5 extra free bulk points are not present...

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 9:57 pm
That's as it should be for a DeVille speed, an 8L engine would be exposed whereas a 7L would (just) fit within the 'normal' engine cavity. No difference in terms of internal space usage.

What type of chassis were you using vikking?

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 9:59 pm
Chassis is a Chomper and DS_R1a my vehicle.

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 10:12 pm
Yeah, it's the same for you vikking. A chomper's engine cavity is 55 units, the same size as a 2.5L engine. A 3.2L engine is 60 units but the top 5 units are exposed rather than eating into internal space.

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 10:13 pm
are you sure? I thought a deville was the only car an 8L could fit comfortably in without being exposed. I'm sure you are, I just don't remember seeing the exposed engines on stock Deville races. maybe those were 7L then? :thinking:

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 10:17 pm
Yep, I just checked. DeVille has engine capacity 135.
7L engine is bulk 135, 8L engine is bulk 155

And yes, the stock DeVille has an exposed engine. It's mounted on the rear though if you recall, so it pokes out behind the cabin rather than thru the bonnet.


Posted Apr 24, 2007, 10:20 pm
ah ha! thanks sam.
dang, now I really need to change the gas tank size. (hint, hint) ;)

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 10:23 pm
OK, I'll do the fuel tank thing in the next day or so.. how much effort would it be to replace a fueltank BTW, should it take much time/cost.?

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 10:27 pm
*sam* said:
Yeah, it's the same for you vikking. A chomper's engine cavity is 55 units, the same size as a 2.5L engine. A 3.2L engine is 60 units but the top 5 units are exposed rather than eating into internal space.

aargh...  :stare:

Thanks Sam.
I'll be more careful next time.

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 10:30 pm
*sam* said:
OK, I'll do the fuel tank thing in the next day or so.. how much effort would it be to replace a fueltank BTW, should it take much time/cost.?

I would go for something around 2 hours and $300?

It would be cool to have real time references, but the fuel tank of the LR110 sitting in my garden should have been replaced 2 years ago. The new one is still packed in the box.
Might be a bit long for a game  ;)

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 10:30 pm
well, if it's 1 hr for an engine, I'd say 20 - 30 min for a tank.
maybe 1-200 bucks?
Also I suggested somewhere maybe a bigger tank available for lorries at least. or maybe just a reserve tank?

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 10:31 pm
heh. vikk and I replied at the same time. ;)
