More client crashing/lockups, same as before

Black Mamba

Posted Apr 20, 2007, 3:55 am
I am right now having the same problem I had a few days ago on the Road to Somerset map. The client is stuck at the loading objects screen. I tried resetting my comp and it didnt make any difference.

How many times will it restart the mission before I am killed?
Black Mamba

Posted Apr 20, 2007, 4:32 am
Ouch. I got my answer. I still couldn't log in and the server fought for me. Poorly, I might add. This is the fight: S1020 - Haulin Maniacs vs. Boss - Road To Somerset 2007-04-19 22:32:59

What I dont understand is that my original 3 escorts, along with a couple of looted vehicles from the first fight I had, are still in my gang list, and none of them seems to have fired a shot or taken any damage in this fight. This seems rather strange to me as the looted vehicles all were missing one or more sides of armor. I just took them so any other groups I fought had more targets to fire at.

Total loss:
Heavily armored Lorry with 90 units of fuel for Somerset, spare ammo for the escort vehicles, 1 TG, 2ATG, 4 MML 1 set spikes, and an 8L engine(the last whole one I had). Losses in gang members: 6 good people gone.

This is why I raid every convoy I find, when I try to run a trading mission, I get whacked...
Black Mamba

Posted Apr 20, 2007, 11:43 am
It appears now that I have arrived back in town that I also may have lost one of my original escort vehicles. It shows up in my vehicle list as being in Somerset, but I can't select it at Jakes to do anything to it. The truck is my Apache Growler

Posted Apr 20, 2007, 1:07 pm
Sorry mamba :(

Have you ever successfully logged into a 'road to somerset' mission?

Is there anything else that could be in common between this time and the last time you had the problem: did you have a load of cargo items in your vehicles again? (- I tried a mission with something like 250 engines in a truck myself, mind you, and it was fine).

The event delays for up to 20 minutes, which doesn't help a lot if you're totally unable to log in.

It might be useful if you could post the last few lines of console.log, when/if the problem happens again. You need to grab these lines before running the darkwind client again, since console.log refreshes each time you do that.

Posted Apr 20, 2007, 2:35 pm
sam I also regularly get crashes at the end of loading objects, and I'm only spectating
Black Mamba

Posted Apr 20, 2007, 4:03 pm
One other time, and I forgot to look and see what mission it was, I couldn't spectate a fight that Speed had there. The only thing I can think of, and I didn't realize this last night, is that my Java wasn't updated. Tonight when I get home I will send every vehicle I have one at a time between Somerset and Elmsfield, and see if I have the problem with them, or if I can load any mission there.

Also I think the truck that I had in the squad but wasn't in the last fight before arriving in Somerset had the driver killed, you may want to check the code for removing vehicles that lose drivers in computer run fights. Also maybe add where if the vehicle is still drivable and there is a vehicle with two crew to swap one in to drive the spare vehicle. If thats possible

Posted Apr 20, 2007, 4:23 pm
Also I think the truck that I had in the squad but wasn't in the last fight before arriving in Somerset had the driver killed, you may want to check the code for removing vehicles that lose drivers in computer run fights.

OK, will do. So it appears the truck was left assigned to you but it really should have been deleted/taken by the NPC gang?

sam I also regularly get crashes at the end of loading objects, and I'm only spectating

Jim- I think mamba's problem is freezing up rather than crashing. This is happening to you recently jim, by the sound of it? It certainly used to happen from time to time, especially when you joined an event that had been running for a while before you joined, but I thought I had fixed it. It won't make any difference whether you're playing or spectating. thanks..

Posted Apr 20, 2007, 4:25 pm
freezing, right..

Posted Apr 20, 2007, 5:03 pm
I'm going to put a lot more logging of the 'loading objects' phase on the server, but it would be great if you could grab the tail of console.log the next time, Jim. It might be closer to the point of error than the server would show.
Black Mamba

Posted Apr 20, 2007, 8:29 pm
Exactly. And if I had won the fight it would be good if I tried to keep it in the squad(assuming there were enough characters left alive).

hmmmnn, a thought, is it possible to have vehicles taken by the NPCs get repaired and used by them in a future fight?

Posted Apr 20, 2007, 9:35 pm
OK, what I have done to catch this particular bug is: I have made squad missions delay indefinitely if no participant has yet logged in. So when it happens again Mamba (or anyone else) please post it here and I'll be able to try logging into the game using a debug build of the client, which hopefully will show me exactly where it's freezing up. It also means you don't have to worry about any further loss of vehicles/characters since once I'm in the game I can turn it into a 'test' event.

Once it has been fixed, I'll revert the maximum start delay to 20 minutes.

Sitting in traffic for 2 hours on the way home was useful.

That's right, 2 hours.  :mad:

edit: I figured out what happened with the driverless car, by the way: the combat ended when Robert Luckett from your gang escaped (not surrendered). His car was removed from the game and the server then ended the wilderness combat. Luckett, still being inside the game (he would have been removed too a couple of miliseconds later, if the combat had not ended), was treated as surrendered rather than escaped, which is why he ended up out of his car (and dead). I've changed it so the check to end the combat doesn't come until all cars and all characters have been checked for removal from the game.
Black Mamba

Posted Apr 21, 2007, 6:29 pm
Well, I ran the test last night. One group left Elmsfield headed for Somerset, and the other one ran the opposite. Each group had a Road to... mission, and the each loaded and played fine. Will probably run some more tonight.

Posted Apr 21, 2007, 7:13 pm
Note the time of this post.

10:43 AM *** Travelin Man Vs Death Or Taxes: event server has started

Speed was not in the lobby or in game when I arrived at 10:43 AM
He has not been here since I have been. Wondering if the fix you (Sam) did for not allowing games to end affected this?

Speed hopefully made it to Gateway.

Posted Apr 21, 2007, 7:24 pm
JD, that was my crew that got destroyed. The squad is still traveling even though there's no one it. Or cars. But Sam knows about that little and is fixing it. ;)

Posted Apr 21, 2007, 7:30 pm
Sorry dude!

I'm taking my chances going to Gateway with a little 'Marauder' truck! hahaha
Made it away from gates of somerset and the second mission so far.

Going off road keeps them off your tail!

Posted Apr 23, 2007, 3:14 am
hmmm..seem to be having problems with trader gang missions lately...every time the truce option comes up my client freezes....lost my Royal Eaton and a whole lot of rep on events where i would have accepted...game runs fine after truce option expires and game starts :stare:
Black Mamba

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 5:43 am
Sent another mission from Somerset to Elms. Loaded gates of somerset mission just fine...

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 11:38 am
toe- do you use Windows? I noticed my own Windows client is a little more prone to temporary freeze-ups since I made a Windows-specific change to improve the frame-rate. I could possibly revert to the old approach until the game starts running...?

Mamba, do you use Windows?

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 3:02 pm
Windows XP Home is what i'm using (i'll burn Bates in effigy later), it just seems to lock up during the accept truce phase with the NPCs....I'm thinking my comp likes to "catch it's breath" after chugging thru the loading screen and when faced with the truce box it just keels over and freezes...i have no problems so far with human players but then again the truce was always offered after I had settled in...
Black Mamba

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 4:08 pm
Yeah, I run Windows XP Professional edition. I think I may install DW on my Wife's comp, and see if I have problems on it. Although I am not having any problems now so...

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 4:18 pm
OK, interesting. I'll try reverting to the slower rendering until after the game timer is running.

The new rendering gives faster framerates but tends to hog the entire CPU, which possibly causes these issues.

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 7:23 pm
I had some crashing last night too, except it would happen after the move turn and immediately at the beginning of the firing turn. It may have had something to do with frame rate, but it was working for a while, then just stopped. I had to eventually restart my computer too since everything froze up. So that cpu hogging makes perfect sense ;)

Next time, I will check my istat widget too see cpu usage

Posted Apr 24, 2007, 11:45 pm
It happened again to Speed 3 or 4 times in a row.
Each time at the end/beginning of a turn.
He seems to think it always happen in the southern part of the Somerset's map.

Last disconnection/freeze(?) he experienced, it was looting time and he couldn't access the looting screen. :(

The very first time it happened to him, Toecutter was also bounced off the lobby at the exact millisecond, so it must be North-American connection problem.

I also had a frozen screen myself and will check logs.

S1101 Remnants vs. Xena's Angels Gates of Somerset 2007-04-24 23:51:59

Just figured out the past events shown in my gang are also listing events I was not present in... they are here just listed because I'm part of a squad that participated in that event. :stare:
I've been scared a second to forget I was playing so much... :p

Posted Apr 25, 2007, 12:39 am
*Speedealer* said:

Next time, I will check my istat widget too see cpu usage

mine spikes to 99%  :stare:
