Black Flags strike, Ronins under fire


Posted Apr 12, 2007, 1:42 pm
Four Ronins enter Joe's Alehouse.
They look drained and dusty. Three of them are carrying the fourth one, a female. Tara Means is as pale as a human being can be, a large bloody bandage applied on her missing left leg.
John Forte is suffering a few light burns and his clothes are partially burned, like Tara.

Before falling all together on the floor of the Alehouse, Sharon Sanders says: "we've been plundered by Black Flags members. They stole our pick-ups. That travel turns out to be a nightmare", she says.
"If someone is heading for Somerset, we would appreciate to be transported. The racing season will start soon and we don't want to miss it. I hope Tara will make it to Somerset".
