Gun assignment bug

Six Gun Jack

Posted Jun 16, 2006, 5:26 am
in the vehicle with the one heavy machine gun, you can not reassign the gun to a gunner (once its assigned). Which normally is fine, as there is only the one person in the car.

But if your drivers head gets blown off, like mine did, and you change drivers, you can't reassign the gun to the new driver, so you cant fire, it still thinks its assigned to the old driver.

So, either need code to unassign the gun when changing drivers, or always have the option to change the guns assigned gunner, might be better to have both.

Edit : tested it with the porcupine too, same thing. My minedropper is what my driver was using when he got knocked unconscious, so my new driver could not use it, always showed assigned to the old driver.


Posted Jun 18, 2006, 6:48 pm
thanks for that
