Winterwarmup race is pooched, Stuck will no finish

Joel Autobaun

Posted Mar 8, 2009, 12:13 am
Event ID : I don't know I can't even find it in my current events or past.


Posted Mar 8, 2009, 9:45 pm
I cant locate the event ID either.....
The race began on 03-07 20:00 Server time.

My driver is still not accessible even after the event seems to have ended. "Mickey" McCusker is my driver. He got paralyzed in the race.

Posted Mar 8, 2009, 10:39 pm
I agree Latte.... ;)

Since it WAS the first race of the league I have no objections to a re-run of the event. :)
Joel Autobaun

Posted Mar 9, 2009, 3:03 am
it was the 2nd race. lol Pie you are so lucky if we redo it ;)
The Paranoid Tourist

Posted Mar 9, 2009, 3:57 am
Blast! I finished in second place. I couldn't expect to do that well in a re-race. sigh. . .

Posted Mar 9, 2009, 9:40 am
Sorry guys, event is still not closed. This happened a couple of weeks ago too... the remaining NPCs are refusing to let the event end. I'll manually close it and make sure the points are distributed.

event ID: 49203

Posted Mar 9, 2009, 10:08 am
i came last...dont forget my booby prize ...oh and the track needs some cleaning...a few body parts were left behind

Posted Mar 9, 2009, 12:36 pm
Doh, you got my hopes up there Slay / Sam. My driver is still dead and gawn, thought she was gonna 'do a Jesus' there.

Several of us would have simultaneously cheered, inc Latte who also lost a dude.



Posted Mar 9, 2009, 1:12 pm
Noticed tho that her kit - including a 'nade belt - didnt get returned, so presume Sam that you manually removed the character?

Would be nice to get the belt back if so... they aint that common!


Joel Autobaun

Posted Mar 9, 2009, 7:31 pm
PieMonster said:
Noticed tho that her kit - including a 'nade belt - didnt get returned, so presume Sam that you manually removed the character?

Would be nice to get the belt back if so... they aint that common!



If he doesn't I can sell you one for what Goat sold me it for - I lost my whole A team hand gun crew in the last two weeks and my project for ped scouts VS cars and winning has been set back a few months.
