One - Off race 6/13 2100 ...server crashed

Six Gun Jack

Posted Jun 13, 2006, 9:14 pm
Spectre and I were in there with the npcs. Crashed on the first turn. A wild guess is it has something to do with the checkpoints...as it crashed right when I hit the checkpoint area, and the other day same thing... I was in that first turn's checkpoint area (but the second time around after missing it the first time). Could be way off the mark but just thought I would mention that.

Posted Jun 14, 2006, 10:55 pm
Was that the diablo race? The server doesn't seem to have crashed, are you sure it wasn't just a client crash? I can't see any that had a server crash since our test deathrace the other day..
Six Gun Jack

Posted Jun 15, 2006, 1:20 am
reasonably sure,

It put me back to the login page saying server timeout. I could not get back in and my internet was still up, was able to post here, etc. *shrug*

And this one it kicked out both Spectre and I, so unless we both had a client crash, which seems unlikely.

Todays worked fine though, Spectre and I had a good race, damn if I didn't come in last again though ! grr....
