Engine v.113, Scripts v.231


Posted Jan 28, 2009, 3:11 pm
This is just some more bugfixes/crashfixes, including one which should stop the 'ped event crash' that we have gotten from time to time.

Posted Jan 28, 2009, 5:32 pm
I think I had that one a few days ago, actually - two peds walking back from a bad travel, attacked by big cats (I *love* rifles...). When I first went in, the console crashed on me. Second attempt was fine, though.

What was the issue that you think is resolved?

Posted Jan 28, 2009, 5:42 pm
speaking of bugfixes any idea what's still causing the out of sequence animations?

also once it showed firing before movement and someone shot my phoenix in the back with 2 rocket launchers, so it counted my position as if i had not yet moved from last turn. curious.
The Paranoid Tourist

Posted Jan 28, 2009, 8:11 pm
I get a similar "bug?" all the time. During every type of event. I've attributed it to lag for lack of a better idea and because I seem to see it more often than most.

It happens at the same time as the "wait 10 seconds after committing to a turn" bug.
