movies out of FL


Posted Dec 31, 2008, 3:52 pm
Peter 'rocket' Stephenson runs over to Audrey Richardson "Excuse me miss" we have news from 'bald' James Adams, our local representative in FL...

He sent over some movies for us to enjoy tonight.

Later that evening ECS gathers round to watch the old projector they bought at the SS fleamarket.

On the screen Baldy is projected.
"Fl is a strange place. Although it is hard, i think our stay here has done the region good. The firelight rats have had major losses agains our sniping teams and this month the loot was good enough to cover the expenses. our latest 2 runs from BL to FL have been success with 1 squad only having 1 encounter and the other none. This proves that the FL pirate gangs have been dealt a serious blow.
But i guess you didn't want to hear that so here comes the movie."

the success in FL:

driving home a Big Meany


driving home a buzzer

the bloopers:
not everything is fun on the first encounter
and the return can be worse

Having to steal a pirate siren to kill a landy.... this is the ugly truth of FL (starts out boring till i make a bad move)


Posted Dec 31, 2008, 3:59 pm
I will have to dig out the number of a particularly nasty return ambush I had the other night of three scorpions and a marauder.
