clock freeze


Posted Mar 4, 2007, 6:42 am
I don't seem to have a problem when all players are on the same side vs NPCs, but whenever i try to do a PvP one my game clock freezes at 60 and the move done button (as well as <space>) is non functioning.

Posted Mar 4, 2007, 11:41 am
hmm.. this happens every time?
I only tried one pvp myself, it worked fine that time.
I'll look into it, thanks...

edit: thinking about this, it's possibly nothing more than the fact that the event hadn't started running yet (and I need to look into the countdown announcements that should have been made).

Posted Mar 5, 2007, 7:37 pm
Happened yesterday on a regular me only vs NPC battle as well :(

Posted Mar 5, 2007, 8:34 pm
There was a bug that stopped the event start being announced, so I think (*hope*) my diagnosis from earlier today was correct: the events simply hadn't started yet for you. Hence the frozen clock.

Posted Mar 6, 2007, 3:00 am
nope, still freezes...can't hit move done either by keyboard or by mouse..can chat tho, and when the timer reaches(so i guess cause mine's stuck :p) 0 the turn continues....console said something about directinput and keyboard device unaquired...make any sense?

Posted Mar 6, 2007, 3:03 am
I've just experienced this a couple time (on an intel mac) but it doesn't happen every time and I can't narrow my variables down quite yet. Some other times it works fine.

Posted Mar 6, 2007, 6:55 am
I have experienced this clock freeze as well after getting into the game.
Toecutter had the same problem. We logged out of the .jar and re-loaded it then re-entered the game. This seemed to fix the clock freeze. So, it is not just a MAC problem, it happens in the PC's as well.

The first time you log into the jar, then get into a game the clock works fine for me. It's when after I finish a game and then try to load a new game that it happens to me. Re-starting java seemed to fix the problem.

Posted Mar 6, 2007, 3:32 pm
JD_Basher said:

The first time you log into the jar, then get into a game the clock works fine for me. It's when after I finish a game and then try to load a new game that it happens to me. Re-starting java seemed to fix the problem.


Posted Mar 6, 2007, 4:26 pm
ok, thanks for that guys. That should help narrow it down..
