Bulk Problem


Posted Feb 16, 2007, 9:51 pm
i have an Vampire i use 3.2 Engine 60 bulk
HMG 40 bulk and 2 driver's 40 bulk+5 tank fual=

it get's all togever 145 bulk and not 165 how it calculate me when i sing into a event it says 35 bulk left but then i put 2 driver and he let me put them what if i want to use with the other 15 bulk i have left in my car after all load it wount let me.
Vampire = 160 bulk

same to all my other car's it seem's to take 20 bulk from all my car's space

Posted Feb 16, 2007, 9:55 pm
This is related to the changes I made earlier today I think. Whenever you view your cars, you're seeing the cargo space 20 less than previously, since a driver is now assumed.

It should be no different though in terms of what you can actually fit into it. I'll check again later..

Posted Feb 17, 2007, 11:27 am
*sam* said:
This is related to the changes I made earlier today I think. Whenever you view your cars, you're seeing the cargo space 20 less than previously, since a driver is now assumed.

It should be no different though in terms of what you can actually fit into it. I'll check again later..

u mean that now he calculate that driver is allready inside the car?

Posted Feb 17, 2007, 11:32 am
u mean that now he calculate that driver is allready inside the car?

Yes. It's less confusing, so people can't accidently put too much stuff in and leave no space for the driver.
