Whew, made it!!!, The Road to Elmsfield.


Posted Aug 14, 2008, 4:33 pm
A beat up Symphony rolls into the town gates. Its front end is turned up and crumpled and the petite woman driving can barely see through the dirt caked plexiglass slit window to the road below. The rear of the car is in just as bad shape. A big, glistening splotch of wet purple paint covers the rear end and bulletholes adorn the trunk hatch.

The woman skids the car sideways into a clear patch of dirt between the structures and gets out. Stretching her arms wide she proclaims loudly " We're here people! The Forsaken has arrived!"

"Would you shut up and get back in the gawdamn car, Nails!" the hick in red flannel yells from the gunner chair, obviously having just awoken from a sound nap.

This was it, Nails thought. The gang had been trying to get here for a long time Hale had told her. Right before he sent her out on a suicide mission to visit and establish operations in all the towns of Evan. He had told her that he knew she had the brains for the job, but did she have the cajones. She smiled at him and vowed to prove herself. Now she was here, and the hard part had just begun...

Posted Aug 14, 2008, 4:39 pm
"Welcome," says 'Awful' Arthur Dietz, local leader and senior member of the MADHAT gang. "I've worked with some of ya'll in Somerset. Good to know you're here..."

He offers to buy them a round...

Posted Aug 14, 2008, 9:51 pm
uh oh there goes the neiborhood :p

Posted Aug 14, 2008, 9:56 pm
Adel "Gassy" Amos tracks the Symphony with her greasy, sweat-stained sock puppet. A high pitched squeak emits from her backside, but her face mask remains steady.

"Excuse my wind," the puppet screeches, "it isn't the dark wind, but sometimes I worry it's worse. But it's certainly not the nastiest thing you'll find here in town - if you want, I'll take you to the hospital later for a tour. We can cuddle the convalescent, if you like."

Posted Nov 7, 2008, 7:08 pm
Esther Beaulieu swaggers into Jake's with a huge grin on her face.

"Finally made it to Elms!" she pronounces and drains a whiskey in one gulp "Now who's a girl gotta kill to have a bit of fun round here?"
