Enginev89 Scriptsv186, pedestrians and camps manufacturing


Posted Apr 22, 2008, 10:10 pm
Half of this patch relates to camps.

I have done some further modifications to the manufacturing system, with the advice of several members here. Please take a look here: Manufacturing Recipes

* This patch adds new bulk goods: scrap metal, plastics, electronics components, stone, medicines
* The production of all items in camps, including camp buildings, requires quantities of car parts, scrap metal, plastics, stone and electronic parts.
* Stone and scrap metal won?t count towards the lockup bulk usage in a camp (you can safely store them out in the acid rain)
* In camps, minor chassis repairs, all armour work, and fuel tank resizing, now uses scrap metal rather than car parts
* Scrap metal is the main thing you will now get from looted cars and when you smash a car up in a camp. Skilled mechanics will be more likely to 'liberate' the more valuable car parts.

The other half of this patch relates to pedestrians:

* Numerous tweaks and fixes for pedestrians, including the multiple LOS tests they make when firing, to simulate reaching above and around obstacles
* targeting terrain and specific points on large objects rather than just a fixed centrepoint is now possible (for peds and cars) - this will make paint guns etc. more useful
* weapons, engines and tyres can now be loaded, unloaded, listed for sale and bought on the player market in bulk (a browser cache refresh is probably required for this to work). This was a pain in the butt to code, BTW  ;-)

Posted Apr 22, 2008, 10:28 pm
As before, if anyone with a camp finds themselves out of pocket because they need to change production, send me a PM

Posted Apr 22, 2008, 10:34 pm
Thanks for all of your hard work Sam. This sounds like a pretty awesome patch

Posted Apr 22, 2008, 10:42 pm
Always love more pedestrian updates! Another step closer to being able to use them in normal combat. :)

Posted Apr 22, 2008, 11:09 pm
Just curious, does this mean they are coming soon for real combat? Or still aways to go?

Posted Apr 22, 2008, 11:35 pm
I didn't yet look into the characters-in-looting thing yet. We could probably use them in wilderness combats without that functionality, to be honest.

Posted Apr 22, 2008, 11:38 pm
*sam* said:
I didn't yet look into the characters-in-looting thing yet. We could probably use them in wilderness combats without that functionality, to be honest.

I'm liking the sound of that.  :)

Edit - I wouldn't mind not being able to loot rifles and hand ammunition if it means we could get them in earlier.

Plus, we'd get some real wilderness testing in with our characters. Happy to do that. :)

Posted Apr 23, 2008, 2:12 am
Scrap metal did not make it back to town. Also when looting it I had a bulk number but no unit numbers. It did fill space during the loot, but not there in town. Event S43716. Not worried about the stuff, just to let you know sam. :D

Posted Apr 23, 2008, 2:45 am
Same here.


Posted Apr 23, 2008, 4:02 am
Before this patch Sam, all car parts were counted "by the unit" in camps...Now they are being counted by the "bulk".

This completely BONED the lockups ruining the weapons I had on sale in camp. I hope you will be changing it back or most of our camps are going to be only lockup buildings so we can store fragile materiels for production.

Posted Apr 23, 2008, 4:15 am
I think the issue with the Scrap metal is because, even though the bulk is counted as different, there are no units listed in the items. Had a looting phase in which I looted a 60 bulk scrap metal, and a 90 bulk one, but no units were listed for either.

As for the camps, I think the need for more lockups, though sucky for now, will help balance their overpowered nature, you'll have to reduce the number of other buildings in order to store items needed for production. It's crappy now but I think it's a balance issue.

Posted Apr 23, 2008, 2:25 pm
Before this patch Sam, all car parts were counted "by the unit" in camps...Now they are being counted by the "bulk".

I'm not sure exactly what that means JD, can you re-state?

I think there might be a miscalculation in the camp's lockup, I'll investigate.

Posted Apr 23, 2008, 3:04 pm
Scrap metal did not make it back to town. Also when looting it I had a bulk number but no unit numbers. It did fill space during the loot, but not there in town. Event S43716. Not worried about the stuff, just to let you know sam.

I found the bug, thanks Dwarger. I'll give you the 12 units of scrap metal that were lost.


And I'll give you the 3 units lost here, Marrkos.


Posted Apr 23, 2008, 5:26 pm
Thanks for your hard work, Sam!

Posted Apr 23, 2008, 5:38 pm
*sam* said:
Before this patch Sam, all car parts were counted "by the unit" in camps...Now they are being counted by the "bulk".

I'm not sure exactly what that means JD, can you re-state?

I think there might be a miscalculation in the camp's lockup, I'll investigate.

I meant that before the change, car parts were counted against the lockup totals per unit of car parts, not the bulk per unit.

For instance, the lockup totals for 600 car parts was reflected against the lockup as 600 units...Not 6000 as bulk per unit.

Posted Apr 23, 2008, 7:16 pm
OK I need to build another lockup to manage the bulk spike.
I cant build one because no stone or scrap metal is available.....

I have to say this is frustrating Sam. I know you are doing your best. But this bring memories of the 'radiation' fiasco.

Posted Apr 23, 2008, 10:06 pm
I meant that before the change, car parts were counted against the lockup totals per unit of car parts, not the bulk per unit.

For instance, the lockup totals for 600 car parts was reflected against the lockup as 600 units...Not 6000 as bulk per unit.

No, it was never done that way. I had forgotten to include the 'mechanics stash' in the bulk calc, that's all. And some of those mechanics stashes had gotten rather large....

OK I need to build another lockup to manage the bulk spike.
I cant build one because no stone or scrap metal is available.....

I'll seed the NPC markets with stone and scrap metal tomorrow - they will start being supplied naturally after that. (Damage has been disabled until Monday).

Posted Apr 23, 2008, 10:09 pm
Thank you Boss!

Posted Apr 24, 2008, 1:43 am
Sounds luverly. I canna wait to be back.


Posted Apr 24, 2008, 5:29 am
How much did you pay the Blizzard community manager team for the use of Soon? ?
Lord Foul

Posted Apr 24, 2008, 6:23 am
Serephe said:
How much did you pay the Blizzard community manager team for the use of Soon? ?


The "Soon" multiplayer game humor has been around for almost 20 years now. It was being used in the early days of online beta games long before Blizzard used it. :)

Posted Apr 24, 2008, 11:27 am
Aye, but they've overused it terribly to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if they actually do own the rights to the word.

Posted Apr 24, 2008, 2:07 pm
Are you going to give us a clue as to where elctroincs and Plastics can be found

They can both be 'liberated' from NPC traders. Electronics parts can also be recovered from smashed cars, sometimes (if in the wilderness, this depends on mechanic skill in your squad and especially on salvager specialism - if the car is decomposed in a camp then these things aren't important anymore as the situation is assumed to be more 'leisurely'). I'm also adding a new type of camp building: "plastics plant" - this will be able to melt down tyres and reform them into units of Plastics.

Posted Apr 24, 2008, 2:24 pm
*sam* said:
Are you going to give us a clue as to where elctroincs and Plastics can be found

They can both be 'liberated' from NPC traders. Electronics parts can also be recovered from smashed cars, sometimes. I'm also adding a new type of camp building: "plastics plant" - this will be able to melt down tyres and reform them into units of Plastics.

And the community cheers "AHOY MATEY" because we all are going to be pirates.


Posted Apr 24, 2008, 2:28 pm
Hehe......Gonna need to use your mechs in the scouts!
Just like Sam wanted!.....

Nice fix Sam!

Posted Apr 24, 2008, 2:43 pm
And the community cheers "AHOY MATEY" because we all are going to be pirates.

Well, instead of being a pirate you could always buy this stuff from pirates...

Posted Apr 24, 2008, 4:05 pm
HEHE over one fourth of my gangs are mechanics... I always have mechs in scouts with me:)

Hey, it's a car game, you think mechanics are gonna be unimportant?  :rolleyes:

OK, plastics plants are now implemented.

Posted Apr 24, 2008, 9:27 pm
Serephe said:
Aye, but they've overused it terribly to the point where I wouldn't be surprised if they actually do own the rights to the word.

They certainly would like you to think so ;) But no, in spite of Blizzard's talent for concept abuse, they haven't abused this expression nearly as much as some proud independent developer companies out there...

Not that I would know for certain, of course. I do my best to stay away from all things WoW. The very few times I ever have to be in some kind of touch with the game is thos few unfortunate times it is mentioned in the Darkwind forums ;)

Posted Apr 29, 2008, 8:43 am
*sam* said:
Are you going to give us a clue as to where elctroincs and Plastics can be found

They can both be 'liberated' from NPC traders. Electronics parts can also be recovered from smashed cars, sometimes (if in the wilderness, this depends on mechanic skill in your squad and especially on salvager specialism - if the car is decomposed in a camp then these things aren't important anymore as the situation is assumed to be more 'leisurely'). I'm also adding a new type of camp building: "plastics plant" - this will be able to melt down tyres and reform them into units of Plastics.

I haven't heard anyone claim they've looted EP or Plastics in the lobby, are you sure they're working properly?

I haven't tried taking cars apart in camps since the changes, but if it's anything like before then it needs to be looked at - with a good salvager you used to get more CP from destroying cars in the wilderness than bringing to the camp and taking them apart...

Posted Apr 29, 2008, 9:19 am
*sam* said:
OK, plastics plants are now implemented.

It's not in the recepies yet, what does it cost? I persume roughly same as the other plants at 300/600?

Posted Apr 29, 2008, 9:37 am
I have looted plastics from traders. Just once. And they threw in a lorry too. :) I got 39, but I damaged the cargo because the traders dont give up as easily anymore :(

Posted Apr 29, 2008, 10:53 am
I've looted Electrical components, though in very small amounts.

Posted Apr 29, 2008, 11:07 am
Probably from smashed cars then Seiler, rather than trader loot?

Posted Apr 29, 2008, 11:25 am
I just got 1 EP too from destroying stuff (finally!) so it's working I guess.

Posted Apr 29, 2008, 11:26 am
You only get EP from the chassis types that actually need EP to manufacture, of course..

I think maybe I should remove the cost when you switch between different types of item being manufactured? There'd still be a cost to switch from chassis to weapons, etc., but not to switch between different types of chassis. With the nerfing of mass-production, the reality is that you're likely to only manage small batches of the rarer items (which was the intention of course) and the extra cost of switching between items makes it a bit too tough I think...?

Posted Apr 29, 2008, 11:37 am
*sam* said:
You only get EP from the chassis types that actually need EP to manufacture, of course..

If it's only chassis and not destroyed weapons too then I think EP will be too rare (and thus expensive). Maybe they'd even be too rare then, we'll have to see.

*sam* said:
I think maybe I should remove the cost when you switch between different types of item being manufactured? There'd still be a cost to switch from chassis to weapons, etc., but not to switch between different types of chassis. With the nerfing of mass-production, the reality is that you're likely to only manage small batches of the rarer items (which was the intention of course) and the extra cost of switching between items makes it a bit too tough I think...?

The cost wasn't that much of a problem, the 2-day delay was more annoying (but I think both are still ok)

Posted Apr 29, 2008, 12:00 pm
If it's only chassis and not destroyed weapons too then I think EP will be too rare (and thus expensive). Maybe they'd even be too rare then, we'll have to see.

Ye, we'll leave it for a few days and see how it's shaping up....

Posted Apr 30, 2008, 4:58 pm
I'm also still curious about the exact recipe for the plastics plant.

Posted Apr 30, 2008, 7:23 pm
Since few players own camps, and the camp changes don't really affect them (unless they belong to one and just dump some materials off now and then), most of these changes don't affect us.

However, the parts-change did. Scrap metal weighs more and goes for a lot less. I mean its still better than nothing like the old-old days, but not by a whole lot.

I'd like a better chance to get those other parts.
Dr Mathias

Posted Apr 30, 2008, 8:43 pm
Lets keep the availability of materials in perspective. There is no 'silicon valley' in DW- and what the average person wants is to watch a bloodsport to take them out of the misery of daily life.

There was a good article in National Geographic a couple issues back concerning e-waste. Its much harder to recover that stuff (wires, chips, base metals) in a usable state than we suspect.

Posted May 1, 2008, 11:15 am

I'm also still curious about the exact recipe for the plastics plant.

Car Parts: 150
Electronics Parts: 8
Stone: 600
Scrap Metal: 150

Posted Jun 5, 2008, 5:58 pm
I agree doc, however, if someone could list the chassis types that require EP to build, for us without camps that would be nice. And something like radar guided missles, lasers, etc. should be able to be scrapped at a camp for EP I would think. If someone is that desperate to get them.

Posted Jun 5, 2008, 6:06 pm
Zoltan said:
I agree doc, however, if someone could list the chassis types that require EP to build, for us without camps that would be nice. And something like radar guided missles, lasers, etc. should be able to be scrapped at a camp for EP I would think. If someone is that desperate to get them.

Check the recipes list in Sams original post:

