Engine v.87, Scripts v.182


Posted Apr 5, 2008, 8:57 pm
This is a mixed bag of fixes and tweaks:

* Commandeered vehicles can no longer score points in arena events
* Got rid of the OSX auto-menu when the mouse hovers over a character
* A few other bug fixes related to events not ending on-time (some ran for 12 hrs+)
* ?resigned? now appears as one of the over-car-info options in town events
* In races and deathraces, a resigned player-owned vehicle will exit the event when it is 100m from the nearest non-resigned enemy. Similarly, unconscious resigned characters will exit a race/deathrace at this distance. Both of these simulate some gang members running in from the sidelines and helping the striken car and/or character off the track.
* You can now reposition escorted NPC vehicles as well as your own, before the event starts
* Fixed your purple reposition circle in ambushes
* Fixed it so NPC cars won?t start inside your purple circle

Posted Apr 5, 2008, 11:18 pm

When I lost Amy (and my will to play Darkwind), my recollection is that it was because the bad guys spawned so close they were within the purple circle (although it was a long time ago). I think that's why I took so much damage and everyone died.

If you fixed this, does that mean that you think it was a patch. And if you thought it was a bug, does that mean that I can have them back?

Posted Apr 6, 2008, 12:48 am
*sam* said:
* Commandeered vehicles can no longer score points in arena events

Why not?  It should have some limitations but it should be possible.

Posted Apr 6, 2008, 10:19 am
* Commandeered vehicles can no longer score points in arena events

Why not?  It should have some limitations but it should be possible.

It's too open to abuse. You could enter an arena combat with a buddy then they could hop out of their car and give it to you, and you'd win the combat easily. I guess scoring could be allowed but only when the hijacked car was an NPC's?

When I lost Amy (and my will to play Darkwind), my recollection is that it was because the bad guys spawned so close they were within the purple circle (although it was a long time ago). I think that's why I took so much damage and everyone died.

If you fixed this, does that mean that you think it was a patch. And if you thought it was a bug, does that mean that I can have them back?

Well... before the purple circle existed the NPCs would still have spawned just as close. The main effect of the change I made yesterday is so you don't unknowingly position a car right beside an enemy. Is that what happened in this case?


Posted Apr 6, 2008, 12:28 pm
Perhaps only allow commandeered vehicles to score points if the original is abandoned.

Posted Apr 6, 2008, 9:35 pm
I think that is what happened - I've been in ambushes before and these guys were way close.

The ID was S40381
Lord Foul

Posted Apr 7, 2008, 7:35 am
*sam* said:
This is a mixed bag of fixes and tweaks:

* In races and deathraces, a resigned player-owned vehicle will exit the event when it is 100m from the nearest non-resigned enemy. Similarly, unconscious resigned characters will exit a race/deathrace at this distance. Both of these simulate some gang members running in from the sidelines and helping the striken car and/or character off the track.

Sam, deathrace event 27145.

I tried resigning many times with an unconscious character with no luck. Even when the closest active npc was 150+ meters away I sat there. I had to wait until the event server closed before I could leave. The old 5 turn resign was better. :)

Posted Apr 7, 2008, 1:36 pm
> It's too open to abuse. You could enter an arena combat with a buddy then they could hop out of their car and give it to you, and you'd win the combat easily.

why not just have you keep getting points as normal? i.e. by hits/poles?

and do peds get points in combat now for hits? or can you get out of a busted car and try to run between the poles on foot?
