Making Circuits and Arenas, anyone interested?


Posted Apr 13, 2006, 3:05 pm
A few people have asked whether there's anything they can help with.. the main thing I can see at the moment (and it would be very helpful!) would be designing tracks/circuits/arenas and the various other 'missions' that will be needed.. (roads, towns, farms, industrial regions)

The Torque mission editor is pretty good, its lets you sculpt and texture the landscape, and drop in 3D objects, scale them and position them. I have already bought a fairly complete set of buildings, trees, etc. to use, so actual 3D modelling work is less required right now.

.. I would need to put together a 'mission editing pack'.. any interest?

Posted Apr 14, 2006, 12:22 pm
I am, can start when May ticks around, unless I end up doing something holiday-ish.
Reaver Lord

Posted Apr 20, 2006, 11:13 pm
Count me in!.. but after two months. i need to get over my finals :p

Posted Apr 20, 2006, 11:49 pm
Ah cool, hope to see you in some events too! B)

Posted Jun 14, 2006, 4:00 am
I'm an old Car Wars player from the 80's and have run several Car Wars events. I would love to design courses for the game. I make my own Counter-Strike maps as well.

Posted Jun 14, 2006, 10:49 pm
Jaybird: great! I'm sending you a private message about it..

Posted Jul 19, 2006, 6:37 pm
Still need help with this?
I dont have the $$ for the Torque engine right now, but I could try making some indoor arenas for some combat-only events.

Posted Jul 19, 2006, 7:18 pm

Yes, that would be great! I've been working on a couple of tracks and arenas myself lately, but it can take some time to get them in shape. Arenas will be needed quite soon, I intend to focus on combats in the near future (loads more lovely critical hits to code up too :rolleyes: )

You don't need to buy a licence to Torque, I guess I didn't make that clear. Licences are for access to the source code, which you don't need. What I have put together is a 'darkwind mission editor pack' which is a pretty-much clean Torque build along with a large set of 3D assets, and some brief documentation I have written to get you started. There's also a document describing what missions we need..

I will send you a private message about how to get this 'darkwind mission editor pack'.. thanks..
