Engine v.80, Scripts v.171


Posted Jan 19, 2008, 11:44 pm
Lots of goodies in this patch:

* Team flags now show your gang name above them. This was another thing that I knew needed doing for a long time but it was a bit messy to actually do.
* Changed weapons forces so vehicles won?t get sent up into the air unrealistically
* Made mines and spikes exist for 10 times longer than previously, i.e. now between 200 and 300 moves.
* Made your F2/F3 over-car-info preferences persist between sessions, and also your F9 (gang names or screen names) preference
* Fixed the bug in Torque that was causing slash commands such as /reply to not work on the Mac
* Changed internal damage so that a hit on the front, or a top/left/right/bottom hit that?s close to the front can?t cause rear weapon damage, etc.
* The new ?forced bounty? calculation (based on CR and fame) is now in place
* Dynamic download of user-supplied decals and vehicle skins is now in place (you only get them the first time you enter an event involving a vehicle that is using them, so there isn?t crazy bloat of the full download archive). I need to complete the code on the website for you to upload these
* Fixed minor issues with channel chat

Posted Jan 20, 2008, 12:03 am
First post!
Awesome new update sam!

Posted Jan 20, 2008, 12:22 am
Sorry for the messups during patching :(

Posted Jan 20, 2008, 1:59 am
We should start a "favourite patch" topic. This one would rank high on my list. Thanks, Sam!

Posted Jan 20, 2008, 8:22 am
*sam* said:
Sorry for the messups during patching  :(

Hopefully I was off to bed...  ;)

Sounds good Sam, nice job (again).  :)

Posted Jan 20, 2008, 8:50 am
*sam* said:
* Changed weapons forces so vehicles won’t get sent up into the air unrealistically

Does that mean you can't lift cars 20m up in the air by shooting at them a lot? Aww :(

The rest is all awesome though :)

Posted Jan 20, 2008, 9:58 am
Does that mean you can't lift cars 20m up in the air by shooting at them a lot?

Hopefully that is gone, ye. It's all very wll having amusing unrealistic behaviours, but sooner or later they impact on players and make them lose battles... so they need removing whenever possible. There was a player who lost his prized ambulance a few days ago because it was blasted 30 feet in the air by car cannons.

Posted Jan 21, 2008, 5:37 am
does "mines and spikes" also mean flaming oil, smoke, etc? i once laid some flaming oil behind me at a bottleneck and it was gone before anyone made it there. i would imagine that flaming oil would not persist for very long but the duration was so short as to be unusable.
*Diablo Vash*

Posted Jan 21, 2008, 10:49 am
it's only mines and spikes, if you think about it flaming oil wouldn't really last that long considering it's burning away the whole time, not unless they burn for so long then just be normal oil for a little while longer. and the same with smoke and paint unrealistic for them to stay for a while.

Posted Jan 22, 2008, 1:11 am
Plus there are Smoke Guns and Paint Guns (though I haven't seen any yet), which will allow you to put paint and smoke where your enemies are, in theory making better use of their duration... though smoke needs to be between you and your target, not on the target. I don't know if those weapons are set up to deliberately fire short, or not.

They don't seem to be particularly popular or common, but they ought to be easier to get than CGL's or mortars.

Posted Jan 22, 2008, 1:44 am
Plus there are Smoke Guns and Paint Guns (though I haven't seen any yet)

They're for sale in GW Vic
Dr Mathias

Posted Jan 22, 2008, 5:05 am
NilPoints said:
Plus there are Smoke Guns and Paint Guns (though I haven't seen any yet)

They're for sale in GW Vic

These weaps need to be looked at I think. Noone uses them. Maybe reduce bulk or something. They just plain take up space that should be used for something that shoots bullets.
