Rumblin' Beasts, Nothin but noise outta Beasts Inc!


Posted May 9, 2024, 9:43 pm
Almost immediately after the final showdown of SCL Div2, and the Skull crew got back into the garage, the townies heard a bunch of handiwork being done, now, of course the first few hours it seemed normal, of course they'd be repairing their rigs...but then it continued, and later they opened a small slit out of the back of the garage, along with a little shooting gallery which, though they couldn't physically stop people from walking across due to them not really owning that piece of land, was marked by a makeshift sign on either end. it read "DANGER. ENTERING THIS AREA MAY CAUSE DEATH.", and for good reason, as every so often, the noise stops, you hear a Beast from inside call out "CLEAR THE AREA!" to any presumed walkers in the range, and then not long after, THUD. a shot rang out from inside through those slits.

Though nobody was sure of it, just about every townie has convinced themselves that its simply testing weapons on their rigs for the up coming div1, but some thought, perhaps, it was a new rig, or new rigs for that matter.

Some of those doubters claimed to have measured how far up the slits were, saying they were TOO tall, however most believed it was because they have them up on a lift, or some contraption to keep them well in place for such testing.

of course, one of said Beasts one day got stopped in their supply rig while on a, by now, nearly daily supply run, and asked about what was going on.

townie - "hey- Your one of those Beast guys, right?"

Jose Arwood- "...yeah, what of it?"

townie - "well, just about erybody is wondering what y'all are doin in there, how come you've needed so many bits n' pieces, been testing things, and when you ain't its nothin but... nothin but rumblin'"

Jose - "ye see, we take our Skull crew quite seriously, we may not be top notch for div 1, hell we ain't top notch for div 3! but ya know how we got here? strategy, and planning, among a plethora of other minute details, as well. We don't mess around nun' 'less we know we can get away with it."

townie - "I totally understand that, but you've been at it for quite some time, even through the nights! how could you possibly manage that?"

Jose - "simple. we're only using one rigs for the testing instead of 2, and enough people here that we can't physically all work on that one car, so instead we rotate out every 12 hours, 7 of us at a time- but uh, I aughta get movin', they gonna be wondering why I was late with these supplies."

townie - "wait bu-"

before the townie could ask another question, Jose stepped on the gas and left the townie coughing out dust, still wondering where the 15th Beast in SS fits into this newfound work schedule, perhaps Jose was the 15th?
