Rikki 'WOOOOO' Flick in da house


Posted Jan 2, 2024, 5:08 am
Abusive content removed by Sam.

Posted Jan 6, 2024, 12:21 am
'Emporess' Bertha Bush in Elms calls Ricki 'WOOOOO' Flick in Somerset

Hello Ricki, Hows SS treating ya? we been looking for them Krackhead boys who tried teamkilling ya in Justice delivered scout, we cant find em seems they cant be attacked, think their in hidding (PVP is off) but dont worry we got them justice boys, their not cowards and always up for a fight, we smoke them enouph times it might draw out them krackheads, but i doubt it, at least we will get rich selling their scrap junk cars back to em. hope the hospice nurses are treating ya good."

event 1208823

Posted Jan 8, 2024, 1:57 am
'Mayday' Ray Armstrong arises from his grave long enough to Nelson-laugh at Rikki who just died from friendly HRR splash, showing Spanky is the greatest threat to himself, and the greatest of projectors to boot


Posted Jan 8, 2024, 2:00 am
(also, it's spelled, "Alzheimer's")

(and, it's Krakhedd, can you not spell my name correctly...???)

Posted Jan 8, 2024, 2:11 am
The SS leader of the Beasts, "Pain In" Michelle Apple would send the spankinators a tape, which when played, made a statement

"We folks of the SS squadron of Beasts may only also be 'Skull' crew, fit only for the third division, but we aint afraid ta tango! And them "Mystery" Beasts down in GW sure wouldnt be either, despite themselves also being of a similar skill level, and our elites in BL may as well be hunting you down themselves at th-"

crackle crackle

"-ust remember, you mess with one, you mess with ALL, AND YOU DONT WANT TO BE ON THE WRONG END OF THE BEASTS' HORNS OF-"

The tape abruptly ended, seems it got damaged in shipping?

Posted Jan 8, 2024, 4:42 am
Yu 'STUPID MUDDA' Fuqua arrives in somerset and is looking forward to scouting, might even get a chance to cause a few bar fights.

bar patron 1 who was that?
bar patron 2 Yu 'STUPID MUDDA' fuqua
bar patron1 what you call me 'starts throwing fists'

Posted Jan 8, 2024, 8:39 am
Darth, please stop being abusive.
