The Lights


Posted Jan 2, 2008, 3:31 pm
A wizened old man sits in the corner of Dexter?s, holding council. This man was once famous in these parts ? Markus Korivak, the wiseman of the wastelands, the devotee of the dead champions, the high priest of the high-speed wreck. He who was there at the start it all, and the end of it all, he who cheered as the very first deathrace blasted its way across the dry riverbed outside Somerset. He who foresaw this as the first death throes of a twisted civilisation.

Sweeping his long yellow-white hair back from his wrinkled face, wild eyes staring, a lowered voice that yet holds the attention of everyone in the room. ?Yes, the Lights have been seen again above the Northern Desert, bright in the daytime for the first time since the Great Burn.?


?But what does it mean?? pipes up a brash young deathracer, a short girl with spikey hair and leather jacket festooned with pop slogans and local merchant logos.

?Well, we?ve seen this often enough during the night? answers Korivak. ?But these Lights only shone brightly enough to be seen during full daylight right before the sun went crazy. I tell you this is a bad sign.?


?And this may be worse.. the Lights used to shine in the Northern sky only, back when I was young and the world was clean. I can tell you for certain, the Lights that we have seen over the farmlands came from the east!?

?If the sun is coming back for us, I don?t know who here has the strength to resist.?

Flaming savage

Posted Jan 2, 2008, 8:42 pm
Will we all die
