Ubers coming and going, Marketplace needs


Posted Dec 22, 2018, 1:08 pm
Mary Polk designated leader of the lunatics in Firelight is seen leaving the Firelight Market.

Erika Crawford a Gateway Trucker in training hustles up to Mary to see whats shes up to "Doing a little shopping Mary?"

"nah" she replies "more like secret shopping for the boss" "checking the market place to see whats missing so all are ubers can resupply up here"

"how it look" Erika says. "looks like its going to take several trips, but we can bring in enough supplies to help the other gangs build cars and food to help them hunker down a bit."

"can't wait til i get my own truck so i can be a part of the fight" erika says in a bubbly bouncy way.
