Return of the Firelight Express, Ganger Taxi


Posted Dec 7, 2018, 1:14 pm
Charles "peppy" Dupuis slings open the door to the Firelight Tavern squints his eyes and scans the room for any slavers or bounty hunters he may have had bad dealings with on the road. Keeping his hat brim over his eyes and his eyes trained on the floor he quickly slides on a stool at the bar.

"Barkeep", "something wet por favor" ive been on the road a while and have a few minutes to kill before my next uber load fills up" " I am from the Raven Lunatics and we are getting these boys home"

An old tired ganger hears the young energetic driver at the bar and looks over his glasses and says " Ive been here for years youngster" " i missed the last metrocube ride out of Dodge" "whats the rate for a ride to badlands these days?"

"mr, my name is peppy dupuis im from the Raven Lunatics and we are only charging $10,000 a head as our introductory rate for getting tired old gangers like yourself out of this mutant infested hell hold"
