Fare thee well


Posted Dec 16, 2017, 7:07 pm
Last few years have been fun. This game will remain one of my all time favorites.

Time to cash in my chrome and find a new highway.

Safe travels all


Kornkob The Dude

Posted Dec 16, 2017, 8:09 pm
Wait-- do you wnat to buy this broken MG from me for... everything you got?


Posted Dec 17, 2017, 12:54 pm
Drive offensively!

Posted Dec 31, 2017, 1:46 am
Worn tires of the battered phoenix spin as they climb the high sand dune. The bright sun reflects in the cracked glass sending wild star reflections. A hot engine revs as the clutch is engaged, sputters a little and stops. The door hinges creak as the drivers door swings open, stepping out is a wild haired waste lander, bruised and cautious.
Dusty and weary he walks to the edge of the dune and kneels to inspect the fading tracks left in the sand trailing away into the flats. Heat shimmers from the light brown sands of Evan. Fumbling at his waist pouch the ganger pulls out a spy glass and trains it out unto the sun scorched land scape.
He slowly mutters to himself "I never meet you but I see the marks you have left" Taking a moment he reaches into his boot and finds a worn flask. Cracked lips embrace a long swig of octane before he tightens the cap back on. "Here's to you a true Road Warrior"

