My gang is *old* real old.

Kornkob The Dude

Posted Dec 16, 2017, 2:26 am
So I had to take a break because life got busy. 7 years later I am back.

My entire gang is now over the age of 50 and several are near the 60 year old 'you gon die soon' age. And the issue is a lot of these folk are highly qualified, highly trained people.

So my question is, what's the fastest way for me to replace a gang of my size with young people without giving a bunch of teen agers control of 2 million worth of chassis?
*goat starer*

Posted Dec 16, 2017, 9:00 am
I am struggling with this one too.... I'm running noob crews in as to train them up and rolling them in with good gunners further south when they have a couple of specs.
