Discussing Strategy - 0 of V - The Missing Digit


Posted Jun 30, 2016, 11:50 pm
The Missing Digit

This is the first and final post in my series on Discussing Strategy; serving as both the preface and bibliography. It bears no number and is not counted among the specific topics. You may discover that the title of the series Discussing Strategy is a double entendre. I very much intend for the series to be a communal training exercise as much a collection of reference material.



Thank you so much for reading. Whatever it is that motivated you to click these posts and read these words may be a powerful tool for improving Darkwind as a game and a community. Before we can properly address problems with the game we need to be able to talk about it. We need to identify -all- the interest groups within the player base and what those interests are before attempting to create solutions.

Coming into the game already very savvy in learning new systems and a healthy respect for my ‘elders’ I was very disappointed with the depth of information and communication about the game. It may look like a game from the early 90’s but that doesn’t mean we can’t dissect it with modern techniques. All the information I’ve gathered in this series was learned either from research or consistent-nigh-pestering questioning. I hope to pass what I know to you while furthering the conversation and cutting the crap to get everyone’s lingo on the same page. I would never attempt this in such a manner in any other game but the real secret of Darkwind is that it takes intelligence to succeed.

Intelligence manifests in many forms. I will not feign to understand the matter entirely but I know there are things I’m better at and worse at than others in Darkwind; just like real life. The brilliance of language and communication is that as a community we can cover each others’ weaknesses and show only strong sides. I hereby call you to give a Krnl about Darkwind and join me in recreating the Darkwind community so that we may properly communicate and problem-solve in collaboration with *Sam*.



This space will contain accurate attributions to contributors either via forum quotes or allegory. I hope for this post to get quite long as there is a lot of content in the Series and more to be added. For now here is my attributions.


To *Sam*

The first and foremost attribution is to *Sam* for creating Darkwind.


My History and Attributions

I found Darkwind while looking for free to play games one weekend while I was bored and penniless. This was after the Steam release so I found it without ever seeing the website or any promotional material. I played the tutorial once and a town event another time. I never talked to anyone and was awash in the sea of the in-game interface.

My first juncture with a player was being given a Windsor II and sent to www.dark-wind.com. This was probably the best aid I, as a lone scrub could be given. My memory isn’t 100% so I won’t say who I think it was but if you remember it, Thank you so much!

Since then many, many players have aided me. If you don’t see your name in the following feel free to send me a bullying reminder PM.

First I’d like to thank the (mostly) inactive players who shared their wisdom, wealth or time with me;

Steel Wind,  Rhoubher,  *Synster Gates*,  *KrashnBurn*,  HexGrid,  *St. Crispin*,  *Bigspenner*,  Grenlin69,  Token Driver,  Sam Adams, Heli_Onerth  NewCultKing.

Next the active players; the first spot going to one of my favorite lobby characters whom I had no idea I had not lost to time;

Sir Nexus, *Snipe* Danterran, *The X Man*,  bootrag,  Joniboy,  Krakhead, Taco,  AugustusC,  Eightball,  Crayola,  DirkSoGently,  Paul Simon,  Bubbs,  Goldie, WarKid.

A special thanks goes out to Dr. Meat and *Tango* who helped proofread the entire series prior to its posting.

I hope to be creating bibliographical footnotes for as many quotes as I can collect from as many people in the above lists and more for their content contributions to the discussion! The final section of this post will be created when the first annotations are made.


TL;DR: Thanks for reading! Wait a minute...
