Reinforced tires in Badlands

Master TMO

Posted Feb 9, 2016, 3:03 pm
I goofed and sent a car to BL with Offroad tires on it. I sent a followup car carrying 2 sets of reinforced tires, but he took shrapnel to the skull outside the gates of BL and lost his car and cargo.

Does anyone have 4 tires in BL I can buy from them? I'm working on a timed mission and need to get the cargo back to GW.

*The X Man*

Posted Feb 9, 2016, 7:16 pm
I have 4 gently used off road tires in BL. But they should be good enough to let you finish your travel. I put them up for you so you can get started, we can haggle about them later.
Master TMO

Posted Feb 9, 2016, 8:52 pm
Thanks! I've got them, and will travel back to GW asap.
