drunks at the bar join us in this thread


Posted Nov 22, 2007, 4:44 am
"come on, come on i wanna go out and fight" hiccuping zerked up and drunk vernice says

"lust pass me that bottle 'hiccup'" says a very drunk meagan

"not until we go out and fight someone come on, come on" continues vernice

"are my muscles arnt big enouph i need more steroids" says jasper

"thats not the only thing thats not big enouph on ya you ever see his nads" says meagen 'cheap trick'. "no but i guess thats why he likes to drive a big truck, come on lets go fight someone " continues vernice

"ok vernice see that guy over there...points to someone. i heard him say you were a slut who gave him crabs" says a drunk charlie

"oh he musta got confused it musta been cheap trick meagan that gave him the crabs" says a drunk richard

lauphing charlie says "i guess she didnt hear ya richard shes kicking that guys ass now"

"oh hell now who am i gunna sleep with tonight then" says meagan

Posted Nov 25, 2007, 11:57 am
david darthdick nilles comes in looking really pissed off

"that coward slick willie white joined the oracle gang, i will have that cowards head he let jasper be killed and then he joined the gang that killed him"

Posted Nov 26, 2007, 1:13 am
"many thanks to rogers rampagers they got him before we could we even offered 5k but he did it for free if ya ever want any girl scout cookies just let us know" says vernice

Posted Feb 23, 2013, 9:56 pm
richard 'big needle' remembers his old gangmates, now that david, who died in pvp a few weeks ago, and vernice, who died today, hes the last of the gangers that remembered this night, vernice was just a kid back then, but to the end never gave up her zerk addiction, she will be remembered fondly.

Posted Feb 24, 2013, 2:43 am
Walter 'Half Orc' Hansen acknowledges the girl's death, then puts his arm around the Emporor George Bush. "Welcome back to the limelight ya geezer! Let's get the old crew back together! "

Posted Feb 24, 2013, 4:33 am
remembers when goerge and old half orc were younger


here is a few more pics of our new leader




well longo it was old goerge that shot those rgm at ya so long ago lol

Posted Feb 24, 2013, 11:42 am
"Yes father, we remember when you tried to play dirty in the sandbox with us, but we taught you a lesson. And we arent upset you tried to eat your children, its ok, cause you showed us how to shoot a gun and chase those ebil traders!" spouts Half-orc, as he buys the girlscouts another round and pokes at a midget in an unprofessional kind of way.
