Game engines

Jarkko Niemi

Posted Jul 23, 2014, 7:11 am
I know that commercial Unity 3D is strong candinate for game engine now, if engine needs to be changed.

here is good list of 13 Open Source Game Engines, I have no idea if any of these has use of this kind of game. I just saw that list, and concluded that sharing that certainly doesn't hurt.

Posted Sep 4, 2014, 2:46 am
It's a GREAT engine and I've published games with it for my old company...would love to see DW2 using Unity...

Posted Sep 8, 2014, 3:54 am
I actually tinkered with this a bit in Unity, using an Authoritative Server model:


The problem is that Unity doesn't have a way to process physics without a client (game window).  So for each match, the host would have to fire up another client to act as the server.  That's not scalable at all.

I'm not sure how Darkwind servers currently work, but ideally you'd want an engine that could:

* Load level and object definitions on the fly
* Retrieve current states (velocities, etc.) of all of the objects in a match from a database
* Process all the physics interactions for a turn
* Save the states back to the database
* Send the results to the players
* Unload assets
* Wait for next turn

Then you could continue to scale it up as needed.
