

Posted Nov 6, 2006, 11:21 pm
Sam this is a minor simple suggestion to help keep the spam (yay spam!) out of general discussion and fix your <---------bug thing on the far left sooner, just add a bug FORUM for us to post in, i just remembered that we c ould do that much simpler, also when the game is done/more developed, can we trade with each other? example: (ill be myself and ill use TC as an example also) ok lets say TC has a car i want, would we be able to do a safe trade? or like a real world trade (Wouldnt be safe) were the other can turn on the other and own hima nd take his monoey and/or stuff

EDIT: kinda like drug trading -.-

Posted Nov 7, 2006, 12:01 am
My original idea was that player-to-player trading shouldn't be allowed, as it would be an easy way to cheat.

However, with some careful planning it should be possible. The only money and equipment that needs to be ringfenced (somehow) is that which new gangs receive for nothing. Any money after that is probably well earned anyway.

Posted Nov 7, 2006, 2:35 am
and what about the bug forum??

Posted Nov 7, 2006, 3:41 am
perhaps player to player trading should be limited to accounts that have been activated for let's say a month?

Guaranteed no-one is gonna wait a month to cheat....

And if some poor sod is willing to wait that long maybe flag trades between accounts created within a certain time frame so you can check it out?

Posted Nov 7, 2006, 3:46 am
i like your idea TC very nice :)
