Breaking down components, Is it possible?

Groove Champion

Posted Nov 26, 2012, 4:31 am
Can you break down weapons and engines for scrap/car parts? Or can you only do this for vehicles?

Posted Nov 26, 2012, 5:23 am
Only for vehicles and all you get for vehicles is scrap. You don't get cps till you have a good mech
Groove Champion

Posted Nov 26, 2012, 5:24 am
Would it make sense to be able to break down weapons and engine? It feels like such a waste to keep throw them away, or stockpile them when they have no use...

Posted Nov 26, 2012, 5:39 am
The only thing you get for weapons is one clip of ammo if the weapon is more than half full
Groove Champion

Posted Nov 26, 2012, 6:40 am
Well... in Scav, that's something  :rolleyes:
*goat starer*

Posted Nov 26, 2012, 3:52 pm
what i would like to be able to do (with an adequate mech) is combine components.... make it impossible to repair something unless you have spares

one possible way would be a simple sum

I have a 70% HMG and a 45% HMG I can combine them into a 100% HMG

I have a 70% HMG and a 10% HMG I can combine them into an 80% HMG

different skills of mech would be able to do this with more complicated weapons... say

0 - 50 mgs, mmgs
50 - 100 hmgs, mmls,mmls rls
100 - 150 gatlngs
150 - 200 atgs, ccs
200+ imaginary lasers

Posted Nov 26, 2012, 5:59 pm
There you go again trying to make Scav playable. Next you'll want an NPC barter system to trade the PILES of food for water or fuel. I'm going back to my Spam fortress.
Jarkko Niemi

Posted Nov 27, 2012, 7:01 am
goat starer said:
what i would like to be able to do (with an adequate mech) is combine components.... make it impossible to repair something unless you have spares

one possible way would be a simple sum

I have a 70% HMG and a 45% HMG I can combine them into a 100% HMG

I have a 70% HMG and a 10% HMG I can combine them into an 80% HMG

different skills of mech would be able to do this with more complicated weapons... say

0 - 50    mgs, mmgs
50 - 100 hmgs, mmls,mmls rls
100 - 150 gatlngs
150 - 200 atgs, ccs
200+ imaginary lasers

I would make the ratio much worse.
you fix weapon with more %, I would allow about 1/3 of efficiency of aquiring useable parts from that more worse weapon.

MG 40% fixed with breaking MG 30% to parts and using what might be useable.
Giving MG 50%

and we can have actual mechanics skill involved to that efficiency ratio also, preferably using some kind of formula (perhaps even involving square-root in somewhere).

Posted Nov 27, 2012, 10:00 am
I agree - the same with anything else. You have 2 broken whatevers and you always end up having part that you dont need. I think a basic 30% total decrease is fair.

so - a 50% 4L combined with another 50% 4L would give you a 70% and maybe cost a few units of car parts.

Would make engines less than 50% almost not worth keeping....but kinda the way it should be.
Doc Death

Posted Nov 27, 2012, 6:23 pm
So to break a weapon down you need? Cos all
I see is a trash option.
*goat starer*

Posted Nov 27, 2012, 8:01 pm
you just trash it

if it has more than 50% ammo you will recover a clip

Posted Nov 27, 2012, 10:40 pm
this "merging" of parts seems overly complex... would it not make more sense (and be much simpler) if you simply were given a chance to get CPs when breaking down equipment and weapons?
