"Spawn times" for lack of a better term


Posted Oct 4, 2012, 6:46 pm
Three questions:

1: Does anyone know at what time intervals new weapons, engines and chassis show up at the different shops?

2: Does anyone know if the noticeboard quests are available to all players?

3: Do the noticeboard quests swap out to entirely new quests, every so often?

Posted Oct 4, 2012, 7:19 pm
1. It varies, and any shop stalkers who have a good idea about those times are probably not going to share.

2. The narrative quests appear for everybody who qualifies until somebody takes it, and then it unavailable. If memory serves, only one person can be doing any given quest at a time.

3. Not sure what you are asking.

Posted Oct 4, 2012, 7:50 pm
Marrkos said:
1. It varies, and any shop stalkers who have a good idea about those times are probably not going to share.

2. The narrative quests appear for everybody who qualifies until somebody takes it, and then it unavailable.  If memory serves, only one person can be doing any given quest at a time.

3. Not sure what you are asking.

2. more than one person can actually be doing them, but it won't let anyone new start it for several days after the previous one

3. Noticeboard quests which aren't taken by anyone have their prices hiked a few times, every few days, and eventually they are removed and replaced

Posted Oct 4, 2012, 9:45 pm
I believe the Noticeboard and Narrative missions are dependent upon gang reputation for the town in which they are offered. Somebody please correct me if I am wrong.

Posted Oct 5, 2012, 12:54 am
You're correct Blackwill, you have to have a certain rep in order to see noticeboard quests and I assume better ones popup as you wait.

That's interesting that the prices hike in order to make the quest more attractive. I'm always impressed by the level of detail and amount of thought that went into programming this game. The depth is incredible.

Posted Oct 5, 2012, 4:42 am
I'm always impressed by the level of detail and amount of thought that went into programming this game. The depth is incredible.

on that note... S498411

off topic, but gee the AI can be fun.

Posted Oct 5, 2012, 6:53 am
*Bastille* said:

on that note... S498411

off topic, but gee the AI can be fun.

Lol - Epic, it was like a deranged human

Posted Oct 5, 2012, 8:26 am
what me, or it?! :rolleyes:

Finally it decided,.. ' you are an idiot! you can't have my bloody car, Im driving it in the lake '

Posted Oct 8, 2012, 11:13 pm
On Topic:

Spawn times for uncommon type chassis in Sarsfield (Stormer, Corgy, Eaton) seem to be quite often at 6pm on Thursday, Central US time. I think thats 00:00 server isnt it? It also corresponds with "week" change time on training day. Server re-set or whatever is the proper term... Refresh?

Though it may only be because thats when I bought them at the previous spawn. Maybe it is just a 1 week delay from previous purchase date time.

That period of time also seemed to show weapon spawns and sometimes chassis in BL, EL, GW. Items like ATG, 3.2Lv8, Morays, Windy 1. But it didnt follow a pattern as far as what spawned, just that stuff did.
