Passing of the Torch


Posted Apr 1, 2012, 8:52 pm
"Now just what the hell was that?" Otis Wheeler, a.k.a. 'Spud', threw back a shot before continuing. "I seen it but I don't believe it. He ripped all the front armor off the car and drove into a pylon at eighty? Just what the hell was that?"

Nathaniel 'Nate-O' Vaughn chuckled. "Resignation, I s'pose." He looked at Spud. "Job's yours now amigo."

"Not much point in that," said Spud, rising and heading for the door.

"Whoa there, hoss," said Nate-O, grabbing Spud's shoulder and guiding him back to his seat. "Don'tcha see?"

"See what? The charred corpse of the guy whose job I get to take over?"

"No no no NO," said Nate-O, handing Spud another drink. "Look around you. We're still a gang, man. Sure, morale sucks right now, but that'll happen when the guy who's been givin' orders decides to off himself." He finished off his ale and shrugged. "No problem. It'll get back to normal in a few days. Not much time for mournin' around here. And sure, a lotta skills left with him. I mean, he was great at kickin' guys in the butt when they slacked on their trainin', and he was a pretty good mechanic and the fastest shooter we've ever had 'round here, but you know what? Someone else is gonna step up. And then they'll die too."

Nate dug into his coat pocket, removing a scorched .45 automatic. The ivory grips clearly identified it as the "Honor Colt" carried by the subject of the conversation, 'Doubletap' Dunn, and every leader of Cowboys Unlimited since 'Pancho' Villa. He placed it in Spud's greasy hand.

"Yep. They'll die too. And if we're lucky, we'll still be around to see it!" he called back over his shoulder as he headed for the door.

The CCTV over the bar began the replay of Dunn's last race. [[#187722]]

"Thanks a lot, ya crazy bastard," Spud muttered under his breath as he signalled for another drink.
