Known Issues, a collective post for bugs.


Posted Sep 9, 2011, 12:15 am
Figured we could use a collective spots for some bug squashing.

1) The PvP text for running a scout still shows that you are safe from PvP in Somerset, probably need that to be changed. Since you can be jumped anywhere.

Posted Sep 9, 2011, 12:57 am
Scouted in SS towards Elms, 25 miles out. Had 1 encounter. Return time almost 2 hrs? Little too long?


Posted Sep 9, 2011, 1:32 am
Longo... the return time on 25miles has ALWAYS been 2 hours ;)

Posted Sep 9, 2011, 1:40 am
FireFly said:
Longo... the return time on 25miles has ALWAYS been 2 hours  ;)

Guess last time I went out 25 miles was a whil eback, probably your pre-teen yrs  :rolleyes:

Posted Sep 9, 2011, 11:43 am
Just looked at my regular DW gang and it seems that they didn't get their weekly training because my gang page was set for my Scavenger gang when the end of the week was processed. Salaries and such were processed, just not the training as far as I can see.

Posted Sep 9, 2011, 11:57 am
Wolfhound said:
Just looked at my regular DW gang and it seems that they didn't get their weekly training because my gang page was set for my Scavenger gang when the end of the week was processed. Salaries and such were processed, just not the training as far as I can see.
... you know that important notes page...?

(Sam fixes it this morning Í think)

Posted Sep 9, 2011, 11:58 am
Sam just fixed it, look in announcements

Posted Sep 10, 2011, 12:15 am
Joined a Somerset Pirates vrs Somerset militia fight tonight.

One player did not join, so it went the 9 mins or whatever for the time out, then it ended in Truce. I was in scavenger mode, other joined player was not. Didn't think these could ever truce...bug?

Posted Sep 10, 2011, 10:18 pm
Completed a deathrace, finished 3rd (in the money) but received nothing as loot.

ID: 161373

Posted Sep 20, 2011, 11:12 pm
Just on a lark I thought I'd see if my ganger in FL, that is a gladiator, could enter a stock vehicle combat event.

The server let me join the upcoming event, but I revoked my entry before it went live. Shouldn't have had the option to join as far as I know.

Something Sam might want to look into.
