"Cattle Call" recruitment

Kornkob The Dude

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 2:07 pm
I'd love to be able to put up 10 or 20k and have 10-20 recruits show up at once instead of having to paw through them one at a time. Use the same interface but allow me to select the number of people I want to recruit. Then allow me to cull the list before hiring any of them.

It's just a pain to find one gunner of decent speed under the current system.
Joel Autobaun

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 2:53 pm
no way.

This is olde school nerd CRPG, you want to min/max you get the pain.
Groove Champion

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 3:25 pm
Kornkob The Dude said:
It's just a pain to find one gunner of decent speed under the current system. 

There's a good reason for this... Unless I'm mistaken, you are asking for the option to look at the stats of your hires before paying for them?! Under your suggested system, how long do you think it would take before everyone had an uber-gang of superheroes?
Kornkob The Dude

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 3:26 pm
That doesn't make any sense.

Basically encourages someone to write a script that recruits 10 people at a time so that they can be assessed and fired.
The Paranoid Tourist

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 4:14 pm
Just do as I do: Take the first guy in line. . . unless he's an addict or a drunk he's on my team. You never know when the guy with 20 strength and 30 speed is going to cap at 450 gunnery.

I agree with Joel. If you are that anal about finding your gangers, I think you should do it the long way. ('cause I'm an ass)
Groove Champion

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 4:36 pm
It is somewhat of a foolish notion, but I agree with PT: some of my best gangers have been the "worst" on paper. They. Just. Won't. Die :rolleyes:

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 5:13 pm
PT +1

*goat starer*

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 5:15 pm
Karz Master

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 5:30 pm
PT +3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 5:43 pm
PT plus 4 :p

That, and 120 cappers do have an upside, expendable people!
Groove Champion

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 6:00 pm
Agreed... I have a ganger capped at 85, which is complete garbage, but he's as strong as an ox and doesn't pass out from injuries no matter how hard I try.

Players sometimes become paranoid -and downright unpleasant to their peers- when trying to protect the lives of their prized gangers. I know I do... and that's why it's good for me to have a few stinkers in the mix.
Flaming savage

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 6:30 pm
One of my dudes capped at 120, 3 real years ago. He's a 120, gunner. scout and lrg gunner. He can hit at 150m. And im not afraid to let him die.

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 6:48 pm
Groove Champion said:
Agreed... I have a ganger capped at 85, which is complete garbage, but he's as strong as an ox and doesn't pass out from injuries no matter how hard I try.

Players sometimes become paranoid -and downright unpleasant to their peers- when trying to protect the lives of their prized gangers. I know I do... and that's why it's good for me to have a few stinkers in the mix.
I had one of those... he had 83 in all weapon stats... then he threw a grenade at his own brain, and it was all fun  :rolleyes:
Kornkob The Dude

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 7:20 pm
Groove Champion said:
Kornkob The Dude said:
It's just a pain to find one gunner of decent speed under the current system. 

There's a good reason for this... Unless I'm mistaken, you are asking for the option to look at the stats of your hires before paying for them?! Under your suggested system, how long do you think it would take before everyone had an uber-gang of superheroes?

No-- you misunderstand.  I want to pay 20k and grab the first 10 guys at once who claim to be gunners. 

I want to do that instead of clicking the damn buttons over and over, which is what I do now.  And I'm willing to pay twice as much as I do now to host this 'cattle call'. 
Joel Autobaun

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 7:30 pm
Dude you're being very un-Dude, dude.
Kornkob The Dude

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 7:32 pm
Money changes everyone. So sayth the holy stories. Or something. Let's get a lane.

Reverend Kornkob
Church of the Latter Day Dude
Ordained 2007 ish
*Urban Decay*

Posted Feb 18, 2011, 7:33 pm
The best you can hope for is asking to have the new hire open his info screen automatically upon being hired so that you don't have to find him in the list and open it yourself.

That is the time saver you can realistically hope for.

Bypassing the new ganger system with a quick group you can pick the best of, is not going to happen. You aren't pulling up to a Home Depot picking who you want to man your gun. Your in a bar grabbing some guy off a table.

Posted Feb 26, 2011, 4:04 pm
Capped at 120?! Capped at 85!?!? You guys have it easy! ;) I have (er, had until a couple days ago) a guy capped at 78. My main crew in Somerset are all capped under 100; 99, 99, 94, 81. Plenty good for Somerset.

Regardless, I agree that the system should stay as it is. Just take the time to hire ten guys, look at them and fire who you don't like.
