Scripts v.125


Posted Aug 3, 2007, 6:18 pm
These scripts bring in some chat and lobby features.

Click a username in the lobby list and you can now (a) open their gang webpage, (b) send them an instant message, (c) ignore/un-ignore them

You can also type this (which is handy if you're in an event and don't have access to the user list):
/ignore user

And these will be added soon (to turn on/off acceptance of IMs):
/im yes
/im no

And this will also be added soon (by popular demand):
/me hits person with wet fish or something

Posted Aug 3, 2007, 6:21 pm
And this will also be added soon (by popular demand):
/me hits person with wet fish or something


BTW: is people on ignore list has automatically his Im to ignore?

Posted Aug 3, 2007, 9:23 pm
is people on ignore list has automatically his Im to ignore?

That's some tortured grammar right there!
The answer is yes though  ;)

Posted Aug 3, 2007, 9:26 pm
hmm that not good with that ignoring system i know i be the one it allways wolf that need to be ignored alon in the dark?
why why why u left me home when u go to vicasion.

:) just kiding have some of my ignore list too cant u add hate list too?

Posted Aug 3, 2007, 9:26 pm
... :o
Deathangels Shadow

Posted Aug 3, 2007, 10:06 pm
WolfEater said:
:) just kiding have some of my ignore list too cant u add hate list too?

heh.  The hate list should make it more likely that you get to jump that person in PvP, eh?  ;)
Big Mad Drongo

Posted Aug 4, 2007, 12:15 am
Deathangels Shadow said:
WolfEater said:
:) just kiding have some of my ignore list too cant u add hate list too?

heh.  The hate list should make it more likely that you get to jump that person in PvP, eh?  ;)

Or more likely that they get to jump you.

Posted Aug 4, 2007, 3:28 am
*sam* said:

And this will also be added soon (by popular demand):
/me hits person with wet fish or something

Totally!    :o
