Bridge Trolls


Posted Dec 8, 2010, 5:40 am
HMDS come staggering in again from the relentless oppression of the bridge trolls.

"Man we can't shake these guys, 41 bounties in less than three weeks and the camp runs still get attacked multiple times they must be growing these guys in some crazy farm"

Some stranger pops in "Hey I hear they are cloning mutants in labs out there"

"Your crazy old man no one has the power or the tech for that"

"Maybe they just have good recruiters, you know we have been on a firing spree"

or as Xenia likes to say "Resizing" because it allows us to tap new potential

"More like cutting the capped with no potential"

"You better watch it or you'll be the next one resized or worse put into ped combat and capped"

"Whatever it may be lets drink to our fortune, and in fact drinks for all"
